When I was born it was at 3:19am and I was 6lbs and 12oz.
When I was first born it was 3:19am and at Nortons Hospital . I was 6lbs and 12oz. -
My 3rd birthday
my 3rd birthday, i did something really gross.. lol. Everyone was wishing me happy birthday and i had whiped a booger on my uncle's pants and he knew immediately and still bring it up till this day when i see him. -
1st day of school
my first day of school, i remember clearly because when i was younger, i couldnt wait to go to school. My mom came and picke me up from school and i loved my classroom and my 4 teachers in Ms.Heads class. -
Graduating 5th grade
when I graduated 5th grade, my mother and my moms boyfriend had came to my graduation and we had ice cream and coke and i wore a pretty long green sparkly dress and when she took me home, she took me to arbys and i had the best steak sandwich ever. -
Graduating 8th Grade
when i graduated 8th grade, more of my family had came to see me succeed. my grandma and my aunt along with my mother and her boyfriend she has been with for almost 7 years. -
Starting High School At Doss High
when i first went to doss , i hardly knew anyone, except very few and had to get used to the school and the way it was built because it was a big and confusing school. -
My First Boyfriend and HeartBreak
Back in August 2011, i had been talking to a guy for several months and actually fell for him hard. Well months went by and i went to stay the night with him. Unfortuantely, he had lied to me and used me for everything i did for him and just totally crushed me. He was litterly my everything and he tore my whole world around. It took 9 months to get over him and it took a lot of will power to actually let go. -
Moving to Another School (Shawnee)
when i found out i had to transfer to shawnee high i was pissed because i loved Doss and still dont like being at this school. Even though i had to take two buses to get out there, it sure beats being here. But this school is okay because i get to co-op and go home early and get to work at my job and make my own money because if i was still at doss , i couldnt hyave done it because im too far away. -
My Life Had Done A Completely 360
on june first i had met the love of my life and im still with him till this day. He is litterly everything i could ask for and more. He made me a better person and just made my life seem perfect. 2 days later i got a job. So I had a boyfriend and a job all in the same week ! We have been together for almost ten months now and hes the reason why everything has changed for the better and i love him with everything in me. -
Moving Out
on august first i had planned to move out of my moms and get an apartment with my boyfriend. I planned on staying in school until i graduated and getting a second job to help out once i actually moved out.