My Birth
My birth was a grand and wonderful development to the world and my family. I am the youngest and the favorite, obviously. If I had not been born I would not exist and I know the world would feel the void. -
Moved to Arizona
The big move from Ohio was a big impact on my young life, I moved away from everything I knew and held dear. I was a very shy child and had a hard time making friends, but along the way I found myself and learned much more about the world than I ever would have in Ohio. I became independent, strong, and learned how to stick up for myself. -
Started school
I began homeschooling when I was six years old. I was a very sheltered and protected little girl, which was probably not good for me and only made me more shy when around other kids. I do believe that some good came from being homeschooled, I really love to read and write. -
Amy Moved to Arizona
My best friend Amy moved to Arizona with her family when I was nine. This was an amazing thing to happen for both her and I, we had been friends since birth and still to this day are close. When she moved here, I finally had a friend again, life isn’t right without her. -
Adopted Snickers
My first pet is my little Yorkshire Terrier, I named him Snicker. I learned how to take care of something other than myself, but to this day I still can’t remember to brush him. He’s six now, and still acts as if he is the prince of the castle which he is of course. -
Revive House of Worship
The beginning of our little church was a huge deal to my family and our close friends, after having going to a religious and stuffy church for years Revive was great. We started with only 20 or so people and we all shared and became quite close, that bond still holds with many to this day. -
Westview High School
My first year of public school was on August 5th 2012, I realized what I had missed out on for years. I made new friends, learned new things, and had a greater education from the help of teachers. I grew to be louder, bolder, and into a better person. -
My favorite thug: Utei Dalcour
In the first semester of my freshman year at Westview, I met my friend Tei. She is from Chicago and louisiana creole, I’ve learned from her experiences with racism my eyes have been opened wider to the world. She’s taken care of me when I needed her to and her family has opened their home to me, whenever I need it, which is something for which I always be grateful. -
The End of Revive House of Worship
When Revive ended, many people were left hurt and alone, including my family. My sister recovered quickly and as did I, what was hard to bare was the loss of my friends who moved away afterward. I had to step back from church, I never stopped believing, but I needed time to get back to myself now that I had nothing to lean against. -
My Permit
I am close to getting my license and the thought makes me so happy and excited for that little touch of freedom. Learning to drive has been a huge experience since my sister had a hard time and struggled with it for months, but I took to it immediately. Knowing I’m a good driver helped me to have confidence in learning and progressing, trusting myself to drive was an accomplishment on its own.