skin bcome wrinkled
Littleny , Littleny . "SKIN." Online Image. Dreams time. January 05th, 2012. 2/21/12 http://www.dreamstime.com/stock-image-skin-image22921031. -
Period: to
When i was frst forming in my moms ovaries and my body began to form. -
heart forms
guilanenachez, guilanenachez. "the heart." Online Image. morguefile. 12/16/11. 2/21/12 http://www.morguefile.com/archive/display/790593. -
Period: to
when my whole body was forming and my major organs were begining to form. -
4 week old embryo
guilanenachez, guilanenachez. "the heart." Online Image. morguefile. 12/16/11. 2/21/12 http://www.morguefile.com/archive/display/790593. -
4 to 6 month old fetus
Arcady31 , Arcady31 . "skeleton." Online Image. dreamstime. September 20th, 2009. 2/21/12 http://www.dreamstime.com/royalty-free-stock-photography-human-skeleton-image11078617. -
Period: to
My body finished forming and i was born. -
3 months old
anitapatterson, anitapatterson. "babyface." Online Image. morguefile. 10 14 04. 2/21/12 http://www.morguefile.com/archive/display/38078. -
6 to 9 month old fetus
missyredboots, missyredboots. "eyelids." Online Image. morguefile. 09 03 06. 2/21/12 http://www.morguefile.com/archive/display/136623. -
6 month old fetus
Fingerprints form.Tiero, Tiero. "finger priint." Online Image. dreamstime. N/A. 2/21/12 http://www.openc.k12.or.us/citeintro/disp_result.php?sessionid=3a5b4a505b38b4dab601119bbded3ead&Grd=Sec. -
Period: to
From my birth to when i moved out of the baby stage. -
7 months old
ccmackay , ccmackay . "crawling baby." Online Image. morguefile. 8/1/06. 2/21/12 http://www.morguefile.com/archive/display/132100. -
Period: to
From when i was a toddler to now, when im a tween, -
When i got my cats
Along time ago when I was 2 years old, my parents and I moved into a temporary home in apex. It was very fun there and I had a couple of friends. When one of our neighbors were moving out they found out that there cat was pregnant, and gave birth soon after they found out. There was one boy and one girl. They offered my parents them for a good bye present. My mom wasn’t sure but my dad convinced her It would be cool. I got to have the girl who I named gorge. i still have her today. -
When i got my dogs
When I was in 3rd grade I was talking to my friends about what I wanted for cristmas. Ideas went around until somebody suggested a dog. This really struck me as a good one so when I got home I told my mom. She said it would be a very good Idea and that I could ask Santa (I was very little). On Christmas day I actually didn’t get a puppy but a note from “Santa”. He left me training manuals, leashes, treats, dog beds and more! I ended up rescuing two puppies and I named them Lucy and Lila. -
Period: to
Ages 9 to 15
taliesin, taliesin. "adolecence." Online Image. morguefile. 07 09 07. 2/21/12 http://www.morguefile.com/archive/display/171038. -
my trip to DC
When I was 10 years old I had been I 5th grade. I had liked a lot of things about it but something very important was the overnight field trip to Washington DC. I was so excited about the trip and so was my mom who was my chaperone. When the time finally came I had to get up at 4am in the morning. It was tiring but worth it. When I got to the school all my friend were already there. We talked until the bus finally got there. It was a very long trip and took 4 hours to get to dc. When we got ther -
Period: to
From now, when im a tween, to when i become an adult. -
When i moved to a new house
After living in a temporary house since I was 2, my parents wanted to move. My parents looked into over 20 houses but couldn’t find one that they really liked. Finally they settled for a small wooded house in Raleigh, even though they really didn’t like it. Literally on the night before we were going to buy it, the real estate agent called. She found us something that fit all of what we wanted. We ended up buying a small house that used to be a farm house. It has a huge yard and I loved it. -
The time i got a pencil wound
When I was in 4th grade I was up in my room doing homework. At one point I got board so I put my pencil between the couch cushions and I went to go get some food. When I came back up I went and plopped up on the couch. I didn’t realize that I left my pencil point up. My chin landed on the it and made a small hole in my chin. I ran down the stairs and straight to my mom. When she removed my hand she started laughing at me. Turns out it only made a tiny hole ant that i just paniced -
Period: to
Age 30
Aging begins. -
4 to 6 month old fetus
Bones are visible. Heartbeat can be heard with a stethoscope. -
Age 45 to 60
click, click. "grandmother." Online Image. morguefile. 7 29 05. 2/21/12 http://www.morguefile.com/archive/display/76813.