My Life Journey

  • When I Cracked My Head Open

    When I Cracked My Head Open
    When I was in 4th grade I was at my sister’s lacrosse game and my friend was there. We were playing tag in the park and I looked away when I was running then I looked back and I hit my head on a pole. I don’t remember much I just remember waking up in the hospital. This incident point in my life changed me because now I always look where I’m going and more careful.
  • When One Of My Best Friends Moved Away

    When One Of My Best Friends Moved Away
    When my friend moved away I was really sad. We would hang out all of the time and have so much fun. After he moved I saw him a couple times but not very much. We still talk sometimes but it’s not like it use to be. Sometimes I wish I could just change things.
  • Going To St. Lukes School

    Going To St. Lukes School
    My first day of St. Luke’s was a terrible. To start I had to wear a school uniform and it was really uncomfortable. I also had no friends when I started there except one. I didn’t really talk my first 2 years. Around 7th grade I got more social and mad more friends. I’m really glad I went there because I made a lot of really good friends, but I always think how it would have been if I went to Elkins Park and Cedarbrook. I probably would have kept the same friends from Glenside Elementary and mad
  • When My Cousin got kidnapped

    When My Cousin got kidnapped
    I still remember the day I found out my cousin was kidnapped. My cousins and I (which were her sisters) got back from the shore and our parents told us. She did end up getting away but that memory will now have to stick with us forever and even worst have to stick with her. You never really know that feeling with something like that until it happens to someone you really care about. I am a lot more cautious about my surroundings now. I try to do everything I can to prevent this from happing agai
  • When I Got My First Phone

    When I Got My First Phone
    When I got my first phone I felt grown up. But I also felt like it took forever for me to get one because I didn’t get one until the end of 8th grade it was a month before I turned 14. I was the last one in my grade to get a phone. I felt very responsible because I was trusted with a phone and it made me feel great.
  • Getting My Dog

    Getting My Dog
    Getting my dog was one of the happiest days ever. One reason I was so excited was because my brother and my sister both tried to get my parents to get a dog and it didn’t work. But when I asked they said yes. I gave them a whole story why we should get one and it worked. We meet and saw a bunch of dogs but when we saw Darla we pick her right away. She was the cutest dog we meet. She is a mix between a yellow lab, a terrier, and a cockapoo. It made me feel good because after years of my brother a
  • Going To High School

    Going To High School
    My first day of Cheltenham was in a way scary. To me it was scary because St. Luke’s was really small and there were only 2 teachers per grade and I couldn’t find my way around the school. Also I only really had one friend that was going to Cheltenham and my brother but he was a junior. I also had to learn how to be more independent because I had so many teachers and I was in suck a large environment that I wasn’t use to. High school did teach me a lot and I’m glade I came to Cheltenham because
  • When My Aunt Got Proposed To

    When My Aunt Got Proposed To
    When my aunt’s boyfriend proposed to her I was really excited. They do live in California so we don’t see them that much. I was happy because he is really nice and cool and also I was getting a new uncle. She’s my last aunt to get married because she’s the youngest in my mother’s family. I’m really happy for her because she’s really happy with him. Their wedding will be the first wedding I went to so I’m really excited about that.