when I was born
I was born in the Beneficencia Española in the 30 of October of 2004 in mexico. My mother tell me that when I was born I was so little and I was bald spot and I was so white: ) and I was a baby so faty and my brother to was so fat. and I was with out hair and I like to smile a lot like in my picture. -
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my time in ASP
i enter when I was 4 and I continue and I am 12. -
when I enter to ASP
I enter to school when I was 3 years. My father tell me that when I enter for first time I cry a lot because I don't want to go to school I want to be with my father:( and I met a lot of kids like Andy Fer and Aina I was a little happy because I play a lot and then I see my father and I smile more. -
My first sport
My first sport was riding horses because I see for first time a horse and I get in love with a horse and I start riding horses with a horse named Caramel:) Caramel was so pink and pink and pink and I fell down a lot of times because I moved a lot and Caramel don't liked and he get angry. -
My first vacation
My first vacation was when I went to Acapulco I went to acapulco in the birthday of my brother and we went to the hotel Emporio I was so happy because was the first time when I went to Acapulco and I went to the beach and I play with my brother and with my cousins and in there I learn to swim . -
my first competition
I have my first competition with my horse named called chispas I remember that I don't make good because I don't know how to make. And i get in last place because I don't know what i need to do because I was playing and playing playing and my horse was sleeping so thats was I get in last place. -
I get graduated of kinder garden
My friends an I we graduated of kinder when I was 5 years old I get graduated of kinder with my friend Andy and It was very excited because It was beautiful that you go to primary and I was so happy because I want to be a girl bigger but then I don't want to be bigger because I will not play anymore. -
i have my first horse
my father give me a horse of birthday my dad give me horse because he see me riding horse and he give me a horse but that horse was so big and it was difficult ride he and some times my coach need to tied me to the horse so I can not fell down. I remember that every time I play with my horse a lot of time. -
My first pet
My first pet was a dog named maid it was so beautiful and every time I play with she and she was so beautiful then of time the had puppies and she get lost:( the puppies was 2 one is Max the other was Jack Jack died in an accident of car the las year but Max still a live he has 3 years and know he had one puppy a girl. -
My first Asomex
When I was 11 I went to Asomex, I went to asomex in Monterrey it was Greta Fer and Cami we went and we got 6th place and we was so happy because it was us first asomex and it was fantastic because it was so funny that we play soccer vs teams of a lot of places. -
Party of graduation
All sixth grade had the 2 party of graduation on Aleria it was so beautiful because we was dancing we play we lay we eat and we take a lot of pictures and we do fight dancing and the boys were playing with a bottle the girls was dancing and laying the next day we had a church. -
I get graduated of primary
All sixth grade when to a big audience room they give us a key certificate we was on the technology of Montterrey with us family and the directors some teachers were there my dad wa my mother my brother was the director give me a key that has a letter that tell yo that you are bigger and that. -
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I went with Miss alma
I went with Mis Alma because I make a false chat with a teacher and had bad words and one teacher said to Mis Alma and I talk with Mis alma and she talk with my mother:( -
Monte nd me went with Miss Alma
Montes and me we went with Miss Alma because we record in the class and we posted on you tube and Mr Gordon was on the video and we record on school because we was boring and we dance we jell and Mr gordon sas on the video and Samperio put his finger because he was so angry:) -
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We win the tournament of Elite in sith grade
It was on the technology of Monterrey we was 1-1 vs the Moises send