
My life in Quebec 1860-1890

  • Period: to

    Tineline of Quebec's History and my lifespan

  • 8th Birthday

    8th Birthday
    I'm going to start my timeline with my 8th birthday so i can clearly tell you what's happening here in Quebec. My name is Timothy and I love learning about whats going on in Quebec. I love to read the newspaper. My dad taught me how. Anyway, my mom said it would be a good idea to record everything that I've read just in case. I don't know why but i'll do it anyway.
  • Jubilee Bridge

    Jubilee Bridge
    Today in the newspaper I read that a new bridge was opened recently. It's called the Jubilee Bridge. It said that the Jubilee Bridge is the first bridge to connect Montreal and Quebec. the newspaper said it was built by the company "Grand Trunk Railway". here's a picture from the newspaper article; "Connecting Canada"!
  • Dad leaves for Montreal

    Dad leaves for Montreal
    Daddy said that he has to leave to go to Montreal today. He is part of the Great Coalition, and has alot of meetings to go to about the confedaration project to form the federal government. He told me that the Great Coalition is a grand coalition: a multi-party parlimentary system where 2 opposing parties work together. I have no idea what that means. he is going to be gone for a long time, and he will mail us money. Mommy got very sad and started to cry.
  • Without my Dad

    Without my Dad
    Daddy hasn't written to us yet and im getting kind of worried. He mailed us some money but that's it. Mommy seems worried to. I wish there was a faster way of getting ahold of him. I miss daddy. I hope he writes soon because I have so much I want to tell him, and I can't write to him until I have his adress.
  • Letter from Dad

    Letter from Dad
    Finally, a letter arrived in the mail for me and it was from daddy! He said that nothing exiting happened but he was bringing home a souveneer for me. He also said that he had lots of meetings and they are all going well. Here is the letter: Dear Timothy,
    I am so sorry for not writing to you sooner. Things have been pretty hectic here, so I don't really have the time. Other than that, the meetings are going on very well, and most often we all agree. I have a little suprise for you too. -Dad
  • Dad is coming home!

    Dad is coming home!
    Dad mailed to us again! here's what he wrote: Dear Timothy,
    Guess what? I'm coming home! I had such an exiting trip and I missed both you and your Mother dearly. Don't worry about your souveneer, It's coming too. Be sure to tell your mother! I'll be home for your birthday too!
    -Dad I'm not really worried about my souveneer though, Im worried about my Dad.
  • My 11'th Birthday

    My 11'th Birthday
    Dad made it home just in time for my birthday! Mom started crying again, and dad even shed a few tears. Anyway, he gave my his gift from Montreal; a book about Montreal's history. I find it very interesting to read. I'm soo happy that we are all together again.
  • I feel alone

    Dad spends most of his time at work now, and mother is usually busy cooking and visiting our sick neighbor. When I come home from school, it feels like there's nothing I can do exept for write in my journal. Mom is away now, visiting Mrs. Thompson next door.
    I don't really learn anything at school, either. Maybe I'll just stay home tomorrow.
  • Mother dies

    Mother dies
    I don't really feel like writing in this journal right now. My mother just died due to heart attack when she was cooking at home. There are two reasons why I am crying right now. I) she is dead
    II) I watched it all happen. I got home from school and mother was cooking dinner. I went to my room, but then I heard a loud sream and as soon as I got into the kitchen, mother fell onto the floor. I did not know what to do so I ran to father's work and brought him home.
  • Mother's funeral

    Today was mother's funeral. I got into a nice suit and dad did too. we took a carrige to the cemetary and stayed long afterward to pray at mother's grave. We stayed 5 hours after. When we got home, dad locked himself in his room and did not eat for 3 days
  • Cooking for myself

    Today I missed school to stay home with dad. He wont talk to me so I decided to cook for him. I found some of Mother's old Recipies, and decided to make her special meat pie. I tried to follow the recipe but the outcome was not so appealing. I tasted it. It wasn't that bad. Maybe it will be enough to get dad to eat?
  • My New Job

    Dad has not been going to work so I got a job at the local Grocer. I make the money for the Family now. I've followed more of Moms recipies. I do the cooking and the job now.
  • Dad is Fired

    A lettter came in the mail today. It was for dad, but he was in his room, so I opened it and read it. Dear Mr. Brown,
    You have been absent for far to long. You have'nt even been doing work from home and mailing it to us either. You are fired. We don't need another person to pay especially if they don't show up or get any work done........... I didn't feel like reading it anymore. I'm worried about my dad.
  • Dad dies

    This is THE hardest time i have ever had to face. Today when I went in to father's room to give him supper, there was a knife in his chest. He had killed himself. I dropped the plate and ran over to him. He was lying on his bed, eyes closed and there were blood stains on his clothes. I lay my head down on him and started to cry.
  • New Nation of Canada

    New Nation of Canada
    When I read the newspaper this morning there was a big headline that read: The Nation of Canada. It said that the Brittish north American act was passed by the parliment of Great Brittan. Quebec voted to join with New Brunswick, Ontario, and Nova Scocia to form the nation of Canada!
  • Quebec votes

    Quebec votes
    The newspaper is getting boring for me, but I never thought I'd say that. I'm 15 now, and my dad said that I can stop writing now. I don't want to though. I'm doing this because of my mother. She would've wanted this. Searching through the paper, I found an article. "Quebec votes on the confedaration of Canada. 55% in favor, but 45% of Quebecers oppose." Dad voted in favor. This is a newspaper article my dad's friend mailed him.
  • My House

    Today I dicided to stay in this house. It has so many bad memories, but I don't have enough money to move. I still work at the grocer and It does'nt pay very well, but I am able to sustain myself. I moved into my parent's room because it is bigger and makes me feel closer to them.
  • I can't stand it

    I can't stand it anymore. Today I looked in the newspaper and found this article:"Member of Parliment is killed" Thomas D'Arey is killed by Irish Fenian, Patric Whelan. I did not read on. My life is already miserable enough. I wish i could end it, too.
  • A secret Letter From Father (1)

    A secret Letter From Father (1)
    Today I went into my room to clean my bed. I lifted off the matress and found a letter adressed to me, but there was no adress or retun adress on it. I opened it and here's what it said: Dear Timothy,
    I have made some very bad mistakes in my life time. The worst would have been that I left you alone. Your mother and I were very close and I loved her very much. I should not have let my pain influence my dicisions to leave you by yourself. I am deeply sorry and I have included my life's earnings.
  • A secret letter from Father continued...

    A secret letter from Father continued...
    ...I have included them in this envelpoe. I hope you find them usefull. Again, I am sorry. Thank you for everything you have done even though I ignored you. -Deepest appologies, Father
  • Forest fire

    Forest fire
    Today I was looking throgh the newspaper and I found this:
    "Huge Forest fire in the Saguenay Lac-Saint-Jean reigion leaves 1/3 of the Population homeless". Then I realized that my cousin lives there. I had to go visit him. I could not stant if another one of my family member's died. However, I don't want to leave the house unattended. I need to make this dissision fast.
  • A letter from my Aunt

    A letter from my Aunt
    I was just about to head out to go see if my cousin and family was ok, when I got a letter from my aunt. I had sent a letter to her a couple days ago. Dear Timothy,
    I am so sorry to hear that your mother and father had passed away. I have some terrible news about your Cousin and oncle.
    Both George and Michael passed away due to the forest fire. I am living with your Grandmother and Grandfather currently. I hope everything is good where you are. I'll write to you again soon.
  • Quebec General election

    Today's headline:"Conservatives win Quebec general election" The Quebec General Election elected conservatives to be members of the 2nd Legislative assembly. Nothing out of the ordinary.
  • Common School Act

    Common School Act
    I was reading the newspaper today and a headline caught my attention:"Passing of the Common School act;New Brunswick"
    The New Brunswick Legislative Assembly passed the common school act replacing church run schools with common schools.
    I am very exited to hear this news. It is the best I've heard in a long time.
  • Marrige of a friend

    Today I went to my best friend's marrige. Mary, my best friend was getting married to Robert McDonald. I tried to cheer up as best as i could during the wedding. I was very proud of Mary for marrying a wonderful man like him. she made a good choice.
  • Mary has a baby

    Mary has a baby
    Mary gave birth in her house. the baby was a boy and he was absolutley wonderful. everybody gathered around while Mary and Robert gave the child his name: Andre. He made my day. Mary let me hold him. what a perfect baby.
  • Conservatives win Again

    Conservatives win Again
    Today the headline was:Conservatives win again" It turns out that they won the Quebec General Election for the 3rd Legislative assembly. My father used to say that the Conservatives had bad policies. We never voted for them. Please don't mind the water on this page. I spilled my water when someone knoked on the door all of a sudden. It was my Aunt. with more bad news.
  • Bad News from my Aunt

    I let my aunt stay with me for as long as she needs. It turns out that Both grandmother and grandfather died in the forest fire and my aunt had sent the letter before she got there. My life has been horrible ever since dad had to leave for Montreal.
  • PEI and the public schools act

    My aunt brought the newspaper in and made us breakfast. She is so kind. today's headline was something but I could'nt really tell Because it was raining and the ink had blurred. I think It was about the Parliment of PEI passing the public shools act. I tried to read it as best as I could but I could'nt really make out anything. After breakfast I head out to work.
  • It's been a while

    It's been a while
    I don't feel very well, and I'm sorry mother and father that I have'nt been writing as much as I used to. Things have been pretty normal. Nobody new has died an My aunt is very healthy. I hope she stays healthy. She acts like a mother to me. she is so helpful and she cooks me dinner everyday. It is nice coming home to a family member each and everyday. I never really noticed how comforting it really is untill both my parents passed away. I love my aunt. I hope she does'nt die, too.
  • Fired

    Today I was very sick so Aunt Marie told me to stay home. I told her that I had to go to work, but she insisted that I stay. That afternoon, when Marie had left to do some shopping, My boss came by and said that I was fired for not going to work. He complained that the store never opened and there were angry costomers at his door. I tried to expain to him what happened but he never listens to me.
  • Better now

    Better now
    I'm very sorry for not writing in this journal too often. I managed to get a new job at a cheese shop down the road.I am also feeling very better now. I hope I don't get sick again. Marie visited me at the cheese shop today. I gave her a discount in private so my boss would'nt see. I love Marie. She feels just like a mother.
  • Very Sick

    I have had all these on and off flashes of severe illness here and there, and Marie is getting very worried. I feel bad for her, too. Both her husband and son died and her 2 parents. Sometimes I feel like we were destined to be together. She is a wonderful aunt and I love her dearly. I can't imagine dieing in her, after all she's done for me. I would be like my father.
  • Writing my will

    Today I was writing my will and here's what I have so far:
    -all of my money will go to Andre, Mr. and Mrs. McDonald's son.
    -all of my posessions (including my house, will go to my aunt Marie
    I am very weak right now and I hope Marie finds this Jounal and reads it. I love you Mother and Father. Goodbye.