My Life In Movies

  • The Incredibles

    The Incredibles
    In the incredible one of the main characters Helen reminds me of my mother. I have always seen my mother as incredible and she is very influential in my life because she as always looked after me and taken care of me. She as also taught me a lot of things that have been valuable in my life. Helen is also very stretchy, and that is a perfect characteristic because my mom is very resilient.
  • Coco

    This is another movie in which the title has significant meaning to my life. I used to live in Fremont when I was very young, and one of my first ever dogs that I had was named Coco. We moved away after and I got to see her occasionally. She recently passed away and she was a very good dog.
  • Cars

    I chose this movie because the title really represents a part of my life that I love. This of course is cars. Ever since I was very young I would always love to collect little toy cars. When I was 4 my dad gave me a little toy mini cooper and I loved it so much. Ever since I then, I really enjoy looking at cars.
  • Finding Nemo

    Finding Nemo
    In the movie Nemo, there was a scene that I can relate to when I was about 5 years old. The Main character Nemo gets lost and cant find his father. This is similar to how I once got lost in a supermarket and couldn't find my mother for a very long time.
  • Tarzan

    When I was was a child I would love to play in the woods and climb trees. These memories of swinging around very similar depict how Tarzan would swing from tree to tree. Often, I would even think of myself as Tarzan
  • WALL-E

    When I was 10 I took a visit to the dump. When I looked around all I could see was garbage and filth. So the setting in WALL-E really gives me nostalgia when it comes to that memory
  • Beauty and the Beast

    Beauty and the Beast
    The scene in Beauty and the Beast when they are dancing at the end reminds me of when I went to my first school dance. This is because I got to have my first dance with someone and it was amazing. I felt very similar to how the movie portrayed their dance.
  • Hercules

    "A true hero isn't measured by the size of his strength, but by the strength of his heart."
    -- Zeus. This quote speaks to me because it is very true. you don't have to be famous, have a big name, or even be strong and muscular. All that matters is if you have a good heart and the right morals, you can always be a hero, despite what everyone else might think.
  • Pocahontas

    "Listen with your heart, you will understand."
    -- Grandmother Willow. This quote speaks to me a lot because there have been many times in my life where I was in a sticky situation and I really didn't know what to do. But I focused on my self and reflected on what I should do and it got me through those rough decisions.
  • Monsters University

    Monsters University
    During a family trip, we got the opportunity to tour Plymouth state. It gave me nostalgia because I remember watching Mike finally go off to his dream college and I remember seeing his reaction when he got there. It stimulated the same feelings that I got.
  • The Bee Movie

    The Bee Movie
    During the scene where Berry leaves the hive, when he fly to the tennis court it reminds me of the time I played tennis for the very first time. It was during the summer, with all of my friends and I had a really fun time. So when I saw the tennis court in the Bee Movie it reminded me a lot about that first time experience.
  • Brave

    Being brave has always been a huge part of my life. I always try to be brave and bold with everything I do. This has been a principle that I have lived up to even today and will continue to try and be brave. I feel as though it is a very important quality to have and that I why I chose this movie.
  • Ratatouille

    The main character Alfredo is very passionate about cooking and loves to do it. He reminds me very much of my cousin who is also passionate about cooking. Me and my cousin have always been very close and he is an important figure in my life.
  • Wreck It Ralph

    Wreck It Ralph
    Wreck It Ralph also reminds of another important figure in my life. My other cousin Tyler enjoys the gym a lot and he is fairly muscular. He has inspired me and motivated me to also go to the gym and frequently we work out together. Sometimes he can have a bit of a temper on his so that is why he reminds me of Ralph.
  • Hunchback Of Notre Dame

    Hunchback Of Notre Dame
    "Today is a good day to try."
    -- Quasimodo. I thoroughly enjoy this quote because recently in my life I have been pushing myself to try new things. And I think trying new things is very important because it gives you experience and nobody can take that away from you.