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My Life in a nutshell

  • the day i turnt 18

    the day i turnt 18
    its the day that started it all finally , i was legal (somewhat) finally i was 18
  • Period: to

    From 18 to 80 baby

    Throught my years ive learned many things, and this is just a brief collection of my stories
  • My first Jersey Surf Tour began!!

    My first Jersey Surf Tour began!!
    ahh this day was emmaculate, and exauhsting. It was the day i started my first tour with my first drumcore i was too excited. So excited in fact i almost passed out but i didnt. But it was still an amazing day
  • Ayyee finally legal- legal

    Ayyee finally legal- legal
    its the day i turnt 21 maybe i got into some legal trouble, i mean i did go to vegas. The main party place to be
  • i graduated from NYU!!!!

    i graduated from NYU!!!!
    This day was everything. It was so great i cried the entire time i was so happ. I will never as long as i live forget this moment
  • The 2 months i studied abroad

    The 2 months i studied abroad
    This was the best two months of my entire life. I learned so much from everyone in paris. From the music to the food to the art , everything was mind blowingly gorgeous and i couldnt wait to get back
  • best birthday gift

    best birthday gift
    Before he was my husband my boyfirend got me this poem for my 19th birthday and he framed it and he knew it was one of me and my grandmothers favorite poem, which is why it was so special
  • 25 dresses

    25 dresses
    its the day i chose my wedding dress , everything was so perfect, it was the best birthday ever
  • Birthday treasures

    Birthday treasures
    So this is the birthday i spent out to dinner with my boyfriend and we spent the whole night talking about all the concerts we'd ever went to together and apart . he asked me if i still had the stubs and i said of course and he asked if he could have them. Thinking nothing of it i brushed it off, the next morning i woke up to breakfast in bed and a frame of all our tickets stubs in them and a note on the back that said your all the music ill ever need
  • the big 3-0h no

    the big 3-0h no
    this was the day i turned (shh) 30 for the first time. everything was so perfect but i was so upset because i knew i was geting old. i couldnt deal with that. As i looked at both my daughters i see a little bit of myself in them. and i smile
  • Happy 40th darling

    Happy 40th darling
    i was 40 years young at the time and with my husband and kids by my side i knew everything was gonna be okay. Who cares if i was getting old because love has no age limit. After i come to that realization he turns to me and says happy 40th darling
  • 5 and 0

    5 and 0
    Its the day i turnt 50, and its also the day before my 25th wedding anniversary , i couldnt wait to see all my old highshool friends again.
  • a birthday cake in boca

    a birthday cake in boca
    Well, this is the year i had retired from my pschology firm as the main doctor. I just didnt feel like going in anymore it was okay though, i knew i was making the right desicion because this is the exact date i moved into my beach house in boca. Oh everything was so beautiful, the white sand , clear blue waters and breathtaking scenery i couldnt be happier , what an excellent birthday that was
  • living it up

    living it up
    I remeber this day like it was yesterday. My kids came to visit me and we talked and laughed for hours then they made me a homemade dinner, while i played with my grandkids. it was all beautiful really i was delighted
  • 80 wonderful years

    80 wonderful years
    its been such a wonderful 80 years and im glad i recorded some of this stuff i did because i did too much to remeber