My life

  • My Birthday

    November first, 2006, at 8:15 AM i was born with my grandma in the room.
  • My 2nd birthday

    When I turned 2 my mom and dad broke up. My mom took me and left dads house without telling him.
  • 5th grade

    After something personal happened at my mom's my dad started to fight for custody but my mom wouldn't let him even see me
  • 6th grade

    My dad finally won the custody battle, and I was able to stay at a school and not have to move back and forth.
  • 7th grade

    We all went home for a two-week spring break Wich turned into a year maybe even two of staying at home due to covid 19
  • I got covid

    Over thanksgiving break till Christmas, I was stuck at home with covid, and I didn't even know I had it at first so I ended up giving it to someone who sat with me at lunch.
  • 8th grade

    We were allowed to come back to school, but we could only do so if we wore masks. It made me a home body I didn't want to even come out of my room beaus I was to depressed to get
  • My 15th birthday

    I was throwing a party and invited a lot of people to go rolling skating with me, but little did I know not a one would show up to my party. The only people who showed at stayed where adults who had made my cake.
  • Freshman year

    I made a lot of friends or so i thought. One day they were all friends with me and the next we didn't talk a lot happed freshman year that i'm not proud of
  • July 14th

    On July 14th my life turned around for the better i got an awesome boyfriend and we have been dating for almost 7 months now. He has helped me through so much and has helped me understand life is so much more than work.