My Life

By Kai0812
  • BORN

    When my mom was giving birth to me I got stuck. My heart rate dropped and I almost died. They had to pull me out to save me from dying
  • baby

    I was 1 Years old and I was slammed into a book shelf by a little kid in daycare and my elbow got dislocated. When i went to the er, the doctor bent my arm and it went back in place.
  • Disney Cruise

    Disney Cruise
    My family went on the Disney Cruise, I was only 4 but some of my first memorys from there. I still have a Dory stuffed animal from Finding Nemo that i got there. It was the most fun i ever had with my family.
  • First Day Of School

    First Day Of School
    My first day of school! It was a lot of fun, i remember eating my own tooth, i didn't mean to it fell out when i was eating. i found out when i went to the bathroom and it was gone. my mom was disapointed. I was the best.
  • Oops

    I was stupid and stood behind my brother when he was swinging a baseball bat and i got hit in the head with a it. I should have gotten stiches but i didnt. now i have a dent in my forehead.
  • Divorce

    This is when my parents got divorced. It was the end of 2nd grade, I was very sad because i thought i would never see my dad again but i was wrong, in the end i knew it was what was right.
  • Pokemon

    My brother and I would get up early in the morning before school just so we could watch pokemon. it was memoriable because its a time when me and my brother spent time together.
  • Daddy Daughter Dance

    Daddy Daughter Dance
    The daddy daughter was the best thing i ever decided to spend with my dad, it was a great time. I remember us dancing together. but i sadly dont remember what song is it.
  • Meeting

    I remember in this year it was the first time i got to meet my soon to be step mom (4 years later) For some reason i was laughing really hard when i saw her and i never found out why. i guess i was very happy or something
  • Math

    in 4th grade i had to stay after school for most days for math help, my parents forgot to pick me up! so my dad and my mom walked in the room at the same time. In the end it was really funny
  • Friends

    I just remember that i would hang out with my friend steph for weeks on end during the summer and we would play games all day and go outside. It was the best thing ever. LPS was the bomb then
  • Sick

    5th grade had just ended and I got very very sick, I had a fever of 105. My mom left work when she found out i went to the ER. After i got x rays and an IV they found out that i had fluid in my left lung which meant i had pneumonia. I was in bed for weeks getting better.
  • Award

    At the last band concert of the year people were getting awarded, i was the last one to get awarded by a Directors award for switching from a woodwind inturment to a brass and getting very well at playing it (the French horn) it was very special moment to me.
  • band camp

    band camp
    It was my first band camp this year, i was so tired, my feet hurt and i have never been more tired in my whole life intill that week. But when i went home i really wished i could go back and be with my friends
  • Band

    It was the band expition at grand ledge, all of it was a lot of fun. But the best part is when i saw the Michigan State band. I got the chills they were so amazing and the sound that came from them was just great i loved it so much i wanted to watch them preform forever.