My life

  • My Birthday

    My Birthday
    On this joyful day I was brought to this earth... at least that's what my mom said. I was her first child. She was happy but I think she was more tired then anything. I was born at 4 am at California.
  • Family grows

    Family grows
    This day I become a big sister.My mother has given me a baby brother. I remember that day. walking into the room and holding him for the first time. watching him sleep and then kissing him goodbye. Since that day I promised my self to protect him.
  • Life changed

    Life changed
    This day is when my life changed. We moved form California to Arizona. We moved into my dad's cousin's house and went to there school for the rest of the school year. Then we moved into our own house during the summer. In the end I switched school for First grade.
  • My Best Friend

    My Best Friend
    I meet this girl that with an amazing personalty. She would always makes me laugh. She ended up being me Best friend.We only have gotten closer as time passed by. I am glad to have meet her.
  • Family Trip

    Family Trip
    We went to Disney Land for my brother and my birthday. I was so much fun. We woke up at 6 am and drive there and then we spent the whole day on rides and eating. We were staying at a Family frienda house
  • My 15

    My 15
    We had a big party to celebrate my 15. Most of my family come from all over.We all dances the night a way. I was so happy the all our planing has paid off. My friends and I Still remember that day Because of that we become closer.
  • Club

    I decided to join a club for me sophomore year.I talked to my friend and joined her club. I joined culinary club. I ended up loving it so much. We work so hard to get the job done. It's so much fun especially when your with your friends.
  • My Birthday Present

    My Birthday Present
    Okay so I love those two people in the internet and they were coming to Arizona. I began to freak out, I just couldn't stop smiling.The tickets were pretty prices so I was upset, but I was still happy that they are coming here to Phoenix.My parents bought two tickets for my birthday.Every day I smiled counting down the days till I would see them.That day my best friend and I went and had the tie of our lives.
  • An other one

    An other one
    This day was crazy,My new baby brother was born.He is the cuties thing in the world. At first I was mad at my mom, but after he was born I felt all of that melt away and was just happy. I couldn't help but stare at him when he slept. I love him so much.
  • Adventure

    Me and my best friend went to Flagstaff extreme.It's a place where you do obstacles in the trees.We were at least 10 feet the air.I was sacred out of my mind I didn't want to fall, but then it all went away. I was determined to finish the course.