My Life

  • Born

    I was born on december 29th 2001.
  • Period: to

    My Life

  • Busted my lip (my worst injery)

    I was at preschool and i was playing tag and runnng around then i fell and my lip busted open. Next thing I know im sitting in a desk crying while people hand me paper towels... I hope i didnt make a kid go to therapy!
  • I got Honey!

    I got Honey!
    Honey is my blond haired chihuahua. All she ever wants to do is for you to pet her. She doesnt bite or lick.
  • Went to Rushtin Elementry School

    I had alot of friends there but when my mom found out that the school was known for something bad she changed my schools.
  • I went to Brookridge Elementry

    I only went there for less than a year because my dad moved back to Hutchinson.
  • I went to Oak Hill Elementry

    I went to Oak Hill Elementry
    Oak Hill is the best elementry school i think ive ever went to because the people there were so nice ,the education was great, the neiborhood was amazing, and NO ONE did drugs.
  • My first year in Oxford Middle School!

    My first year in Oxford Middle School!
    I dont know if i got the year right or not but im pretty sure i did. I hope i dont look stupid. Oxford is my pride and joy, i love that scholl. All my freinds go there everyone there is nice and cares about you and dosent care about the way you look or judge you. Oxford is in the blue valley district and is right across the street from oak hill we usualy go there after school and hang out.
  • My great grandma died

    She was in her 90's but she never knew what time zone she was in so it was hard to get to know her.
  • I went on a canoe trip

    I went on a canoe trip
    We got Tipped over alot and 2 out of 4 of us almost died. This all hapend in Arkasaw. We also hiked alot, we hiked to see the glory hole which is the picture.
  • My first concert

    My first concert
    I went to a Katy Perry concert for free at sprint center
  • My grandpa died

    His name was Charles . He died when he was hunting of a heart attack. He was a mailman and all the mail trucks went to his funeral. He was also in the army. He was very healthy and it was very weird when he died because it was so sudden.
  • I got a bird

    I got a bird
    Its an albino cockatiel
  • I moved to my dads

    I moved to my dads
    Its my first time living with him.
  • I get braces

    I get braces
    Ive been wanting to get them FOREVER but unlike most people i dont do it for the looks i do it so i can i straight teeth IM SO EXCITED! I only have to have them for a year!