My Life

  • Birth

    I was born on April 2nd, 2004 in Ann Arbor, Michigan, with a heart defect. I lived in the hospital for three months before moving back to my home in Akron, Ohio.
  • Moving

    Due to my dads new job we moved from Cleveland Ohio, to Overland Park, Kansas and I've lived here for the past 10 years where I've made new friends and this event changed my life forever
  • Heart Transplant

    Heart Transplant
    On August 24th, 2020 in Jewish Barnes Hospital in St.LouisI received a new heart due to my declining health. Since then I have changed physical and mentally into a different person.
  • Boys Trip

    Boys Trip
    Every year all the boys on my moms side of the family go on a 2-3 day fishing trip. This is an important event for me since I look forward to it every ear and I don't see my extended family that much so this makes it more special.
  • Chicago

    This was my first time ever being in Chicago, with my aunt uncle and my cousins. We went to the Bears game, skyscraper and the bean. It was a total different experience for me since it was my first time in a big city and something I'll never forget.
  • College

    As of right now, I have my mind set on attending K-state next year. I plan to major in the business filed but that could change. I'm very excited and can't wait.
  • Graduate College

    Graduate College
    A big goal for me would to graduate college with a masters degree, even if that means I have to take a couple gaps years I'm willing for the task. I'm willing to get the degree other from K-State.
  • Marriage

    I would like to be married in the future preferably by time I'm 30 or until I'm financially stabled. I don't know what my future holds but I hope marriage is in it.
  • Start a Family

    Start a Family
    I would like to have kids when I'm settled down and older with my wife. I hope to do this within the first years we are married or at least financially stable.
  • Death

    The last thing In my life that will happen is death. I'm not really looking forward towards it but it's a part of life. I hope to have accomplished all the things I listed above and wish to go in my sleep.