I was born on 05/08/01. Without this personal, I would not have been here today. I am very blessed to be the person I am today. -
introduction to baseball
My dad first put a baseball in my hand when i was 2 years old. he wanted me to grow up and be a great baseball player. -
Pre sc hool
I was first put in pre school when i was 4 years old. i was put in tiny tots. this is located in stanley nc. -
In 2006, my granpaw passed away. This was a very hard time in my life. It was by far one of the most hardest times in my life. -
During the 2007 summer ball leauge, i made the allstar team, i made all stars all my life but this was the first time that i did make it. We went all of the way to the state championship during this. -
During my last year of rec ball, i hit a record setting 16 homeruns. This is the most home runs that anyone has ever hit at this park. -
middle school team
During the 2011 seaon i ,made the stanley middle baseball team. this was a great honor becuase i was a 7th grader starting on a 8th grade baseball team. -
My step bropther had a baby so this means that now my new family is goint o have another family mewmeber., this is not easy for me at all. -
During july of 2012, my mom left me, this was a hard time in my life, i was only 11 years old and my mom had left me and my dad. it was not easy. -
moving houses
In 2013, i had to move house, this was not because were not paying the rent or anything, but it was because we were going to have a bigger family now, so we needed more room to live in.