My Life

By RogerC
  • Born

    I was born in Anaheim. I was the last of three
  • Terrorist Attack

    Terrorist Attack
    Terrorist attack (I don't remember it but does not mean it didn't happen)
  • First Pet

    First Pet
    My dad bought me a garden snake
  • My Pet Snake Died

    My Pet Snake Died
    I was pretty bummed about that and my dad let me stay home from school
  • I Started School For The First Time

    I Started School For The First Time
    It was an okay day.
  • I Got A Pet Iguana

    I Got A Pet Iguana
    It was a cool Iguana, it was friendly
  • I Moved For The First Time

    I Moved For The First Time
    It was a Nice new house I looked forward to it.
  • Moved Schools

    Moved Schools
    This made me mad as a kid of course like who wants to leave all their friends behind
  • My Sister Brought A Puppy Home

    My Sister Brought A Puppy Home
    She walked into the house one day with a puppy and it was unexpected. ( She's still alive to this day )
  • Traveled To Mexico for the First Time

    Traveled To Mexico for the First Time
    I visited my grandma with my whole family for 2 weeks
  • I Witnessed Three People Getting Shot

    I Witnessed Three People Getting Shot
    I was outside playing doing what kids do and some guy ran out of no where and pulled his gun out and shot 3 people from where I lived. (they survived)
  • I Visited My Uncle In Mexico

    I Visited My Uncle In Mexico
    It was cool because my uncle has 5 houses and as a kid that seemed crazy to me and he let me and my parents stay in one of his houses for a month when we went on vacation
  • I Started Middle School

    I Started Middle School
    It was new and I looked forward to it. I met many people there
  • I Got In Trouble For Having Money At School

    I Got In Trouble For Having Money At School
    I was mad because they where insinuating that I did something wrong to get that money ( I only had like $300) It was BS
  • I Met Lilly

    I Met Lilly
    I was at Bolsa waiting for the bus and I sat with her and some mutual friends