My life


    My name is Evelyn and I was born on February 7, 2003.
  • My days in the garden

    My days in the garden
    I didn't like going there because it was strange for me to meet new people and be away from my mother
  • My birthday

    My birthday
    On my birthdays I was always too happy because my parents always did their best for me to have a great time
  • My hobbies

    My hobbies
    I spent most of my time at a station I really like to talk and listen :)
    I lived in Barranca
  • My best moments

    My best moments
    As a child I had incredible moments, what I liked to do the most was to go see the animals. I have always had great love and respect for them.
  • When I enter primary

    When I enter primary
    After entering elementary school, I always liked to dress up as a princess. I lived in Florence
  • Third degree

    Third degree
    I was in third grade, I always liked dressing up as anything, I met amazing friends.
  • In 2011

    In 2011
    In 2011 I lived in Yopal Casanare and was in fourth grade in elementary school. I lived in Yopal Casanare
  • When i was in fifth

    When i was in fifth
    This year I didn't like it very much since my classmates bothered me, but the good thing is that I was a good student
  • When I enter high school

    When I enter high school
    In this year I went to high school and it was not the best, I had a hard time socializing with people.
  • My other hobbies at that time

    My other hobbies at that time
    I've always liked to make a polygon
  • High school continuity

    High school continuity
    In 2015 and 2016 I met people who hurt me, from that I learned not to trust people much and be a little more lonely.
  • My biggest disappointment

    My biggest disappointment
    In 2017 I met a person who was very important to me, it was my first love, but he broke my heart so I was sad for a long time.
  • My social life

    My social life
    I met some girls who became my friends and now we are friends for 5 years.
  • What I love the most <3

     What I love the most <3
    What I love most in my life is my puppy, he is everything to me, he accompanies me at all times and is the only one who has not hurt me. <3
  • I learned ...

     I learned ...
    The other years I just want to be very happy and not give importance to the bad things of the past.
  • By last...

     By last...
    And finally I have learned many things in my life I have changed a lot to be a better person every day, in the future I want to be a very successful person and that my parents are proud of me