
My life

By darcyr
  • Birth

    My mom was in the hospital all day with my dad. When the time came she couldn't have a normal labor so they had to do a c-section and boom I was born.
  • My dad

    My dad
    This year I realized that the man would visit me from time to time was no stranger, it was my dad. I would see him all the time when I was younger but he didn't live with me so I was pretty confused most of the time. Anyways we each other every Saturday and I am very grateful to have him as my dad.
  • 2nd Grade

    2nd Grade
    After 1st grade my parents decided to move to mesa, I left scottsdale. I was still young but I left my school and my friends behind. I was pretty upset about that
  • Peluchina

    I got my ugly little rat when I was in second grade. She is a big part of my life. She gives me a lot of comfort, we've had some pretty fun times and I love her very much.
  • My Little Brother

    My Little Brother
    Right after my brother was born my mom went straight to work and at a young age I was basically a little mom. I would take care of him as a new born, which in my opinion is a lot of responsibility for a 9 year old. I don't see this as a bad thing i think it was a good experience and I learned a lot from it
  • Halloween

    My dad was deported a before halloween. I remember this because my sister would ask where he was at, my mom was at work everyday. I would babysit my brothers everyday after school but besides that we went to Scottsdale and we got a lot of candy it was a fun day.
  • Soccer

    8th grade to somewhat Junior year I use to be in Soccer. I didn't play for the school, I played for a different team. I had a lot of fun playing through that time !!
  • A Year

    A Year
    I went to mexico for the first time and we went to the river, it was a good day. Me and my cousin were playing around and I was chasing him and I stepped on a glass bottle. I went to hospital and they got it out. About a year later I found out I still had glass in my foot and I had to have surgery
  • Sophomore Year

    Sophomore Year
    This year I screwed everything up. I stopped caring about everything. I ditched all the time, I failed all my academic classes, I stopped volunteering and I regret that very much.
  • Junior Year

    Junior Year
    This year a had a redbull or something. I started to volunteer in the Hospital inside the gift shop, I joined Latino and Interpreters Club and after school I would go to Carson as well to get my hours and grade papers or help organize for my 7th grade teacher. Other than that I brought up my grades a lot. 1st semester was okay and 2nd semester I did great I got all A's and B's and I'm proud of myself for that.