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My life

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    Traveling to PA

    Every summer and Christmas we go to PA
  • My older sister was born

    in Growcity Pennsylvania Her name is Ellesondra Martin
  • I was born in Growcity Pennsylvania

    I almost died when I was first born because I was not breathing but here I am.
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    When I started watching and playing basketball

    My mom played college basketball and after she became a basket coach so I have played and watched basketball my whole life
  • Couldn't go poop

    when I was 1 I was not able to poop because my intestine was clogged. It took a while to get them unclogged but now I'm fine
  • I moved to clarion Pennsylvania

    When we moved here me and my sister both got our own dogs. My dogs name was Mombo, and her dog's name was Max.
  • We got a cat

    I don't their name but our cat pooped and pee in the house and tore things up so we got rid of her
  • The river turned white

    I don't know why or how but I remember the river turning white and i found it cool
  • My Mom and Dad divorced

    I don't know much more I was six.
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    we moved to my grandmas house

    I also started kindergarten at the school that my grandma works at
  • We moved to NC

    we moved to an apartment complex right next to bell elementary. We stayed at this place till i was in fourth grade
  • My mom now works at warren Wilson collage

    She still works here to this day and this is when we moved here
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    Never got a or below a 85 in my life

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    I got all a's

    From 3rd to 5th grade I got all A's
  • Won my rec leagues championship

    I'm was the best on the team and we won.
  • My mon got remarried

    His name is kelvin
  • Got divorced again

    I don't know when or how but it happen
  • We went to Utah to see my uncle

    We went there for a week or two and now nobody talks to him because he disrespected our whole family
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    I have three pets

    The cat Otis is mine we have two dogs Sophie and Chanel they are Ellie's
  • We moved into warren wilson campus

    We now live on campus
  • My little sister was born

    Her name is Reaya she is bad but she is my sister
  • Made the basketball team

    We sucked everybody knows that last year we were bad we lost all seven games.