
My life

  • Divorce

    When my parents got divorced, it forced me to grow up faster. I watched them fight and soon I was going back and forth from each other's houses. I saw them date new people and it really was a learning experience.
  • Living with grandparents

    Living with grandparents
    For a majority of my childhood, my grandparents raised me. This has had a great affect on me because I have a strong relationship with them. They taught me things my parents couldn't have.
  • Adopting my cat, Napolian

    Adopting my cat, Napolian
    Napolian is my best friend and has helped me through so much. He's a cat, but really he's taught me what love is. Also because of him I have grown a strong love for animals.
  • Moving back with my dad

    Moving back with my dad
    My mother made a big mistake in trying to make things work with my father. From 2009-2013 I learned so much about what a healthy relationship looks like, and this was the perfect example of what one doesn't look like. During these years I grew closer to my mom and had to educate myself on alcoholism just to survive.
  • Battling Depression

    Battling Depression
    I developed depression when I was living with my mother and father, it started in 2011. This was an extremely rough patch in my life. I didn't see a doctor and had to look to myself for the answers. Eventually I told myself the next day would get better. Because of my experience with depression, I enjoy talking to others about what is bothering them.
  • Moving to Arizona

    Moving to Arizona
    In October 2013 I finally left the abusive environment in California. Moving to Arizona was the best thing I could've done in my life. My mother learned what freedom is and I learned to live without alcoholism in my house. I made true friends and developed my true personality and learned to find myself.
  • Heartbreak

    I dated a few guys when I moved to Arizona and I experienced my first heartbreaks. I was stupid at first with it, but because of this, I have learned a lot about relationships and "love". Today I am much more educated and have a sense of what love really is, not high school dating.
  • Financial Hardship

    Financial Hardship
    My mother is a hardworking single woman who has such a kind heart that some people find it fun to take advantage of. We were scammed out of thousands of dollars which had a bad affect on her credit. My mom's work was also ripping her off. We struggled so much and because of struggling that bad I learned what things in my life I can live without and learned to be thankful for what I have.
  • Minnesota and Mental Illnesses

    Minnesota and Mental Illnesses
    This time was so depressing and I force myself to not even think about it anymore. I had moved to Minnesota with my mom to her sister's house. A week later my mother left because she was miserable. To summarize this; for the next seven months my aunt brainwashed me and manipulated me into not speaking to my family and eventually began mentally abusing me. I grew so much courage and left. I knew what was right in my heart. I now know that I can make it through anything.
  • Moving back to Arizona

    Moving back to Arizona
    May 6th, 2015 I flew myself back to Arizona. I was finally reunited with my mother and nothing else could compare to the immense happiness I felt. I was finally home and realized I was never going to leave again. Arizona is my home and my mom makes it home.