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My Life

  • Birth

    August 26, 2003 was the day I was born. Being born in the town right next to where I grew up in, I've been in the same area pretty much my whole life so far. I was the first born and my parents thought I was going to be a boy since the doctors couldn't tell, so I ended up leaving the hospital in a blue dinosaur onesie. Many of my relatives ended up using boy related things for me and my room. Luckily, after finding out I was a girl everyone went out to re-buy girl related things for me.
  • Younger Brother

    Younger Brother
    October 5, 2005 was the day when I became an older sister. It was the day where my parents told me I wasn't going to be a only child anymore. I was only two at the time, and wasn't really excited to have a sibling. I was waiting in the hospital for a while with my grandma in the waiting room with me, along with my dad until he was called in to go in with my mom. One of the nurses gave me a pink pin that said 'I'm a big sister' on it and I ran around the waiting room with it on as I waited.
  • Kindergarten

    My first years of real school. Although I lived in Brewster, I didn't go to Brewster schools for my first years of learning. I went to a private catholic school in Carmel. My parents thought it would be better for me. I had to wear uniforms and go to a mass with my classmates every Monday. At this point, sitting through a hour mass at only age 5 wasn't very exciting for me or my classmates. At such a young age I wasn't too invested in religion, but I did make my first few friends at that school.
  • First Grade

    First Grade
    This was when I switched from a private catholic school to a public school. It was weird for me considering there was no church mass to go to or a uniform code. At this age, I was very shy and quiet so It was hard to make friends considering everyone was already friends with each other because of their previous years of kindergarten. It was also hard for me to learn since unlike others, I didn't learn the alphabet in kindergarten like everyone else. I was behind, but later ended up catching up.
  • Piano Lessons

    Piano Lessons
    I was only 10 when I first started taking lessons. My dad was at a church gathering party when one of his friends persuaded me into learning how to play. I didn't have a phone or anything to do at this age since I was so young, so I was interested in learning. I went to a lady every Tuesday for a hour and a half after school and she taught me many things. Throughout the many following years of playing it has been something that I have gotten much better at and have now been playing for 6 years.
  • Dance

    I used to watch a reality TV show called 'Dance Moms' when I was younger. At age 11, this show inspired me to want to learn and start dance. Although I was very shy still at this age, dance is what helped me turn into who I am today. Not only did I meet many new people but It also helped me break out of my shell and become more outgoing. Dancing on stage infront of hundreds was a big step for me, but with confidence I pulled through and danced throughout all of middle school for 3 years.
  • Softball

    I started softball in 7th grade, and tried out for the school team with my other friends. This is where It all started. My friend was trying out and invited me to join, so I did and ended up making the team. Within the long practices after school I grew to like the sport. Instead of continuing the school team in 8th I wanted to try something new. I ended up playing for two teams, the town of Brewster and Mahopac. I scored the last winning point for my team which was my highlight of the season.
  • Grandma's Death

    Grandma's Death
    In the late fall and early winter of 2018, my grandma became very sick. She was diagnosed with a cancer that she ended up having to get a surgery for so she could get better. However, after getting that surgery it ended up making her weaker and even worse. Time and time went on and there wasn't anything doctors could do so she was left slowly dying. It hurt seeing her in this condition around the holidays. She was very healthy her whole life, which doesn't make sense and still hurts to this day.
  • Cheerleading

    Junior year of high school I decided to join the cheer team. With a few of my friends, we committed a few days a week for hours a day over the summer to prepare and learn for the fall and winter season. I made many new friends and within spending so much time together, not only did we come together as a team but also as a family. Cheer has taught me many new skills and has shown me motivation, confidence, determination and commitment which are personal skills that can be used outside of cheer.
  • My sweet 16

    My sweet 16
    On August 16th I had my Sweet 16. For many teenage girls, turning 16 is a huge part of their lives because it represents a girls change from childhood into adulthood. Its one of my first huge milestones in my life and it was a really exciting moment for me and my family. I picked out the dress with my mom, and banquet to have it at with my dad. I got to spend the night with all my friends and some of my family that night. It's something I'll never forget and one of the best nights of my life.