My Life

  • I was born!

    I was born in Scottsdale, AZ on July 12, 1995.
  • Started PreSchool

    I started Pre-School at Sonoran Sky Elementary School. I was placed in a program that immersed special needs preschoolers with regular ed preschoolers.
  • Started Kindergarden

    I started kindergarden at Sonoran Sky Elementary School. At this point in my life, my mom was a huge influence to me and I cared (and still do) very much about what she thought of my actions.
  • My grandfather died

    My grandfather, whom I was extremely close with, died on this day. This was a huge impact on my life.
  • Started Middle School

    I started middle school on this day and I remember being so stressed about what everyone thought about me. Middle school was a rough time in my life, and I expierenced a lot of depression. My mother helped my through this time significantly.
  • Started High School

    I started high school on this day, and I was starting to become a lot more independent through these 4 years. I found what kinds of people I liked being around, and I had a tough time dealing with the peer pressure constantly surrounding me. I also had my first serious boyfriend.
  • Graduated High School

    I graduated high school and said goodbye to a lot of my childhood friends. I opened the door to college, and made the decision to come to asu.
  • Moved into the Dorms and Started school at ASU

    This was a rough transition for me, and I had a hard time adjusting to not having my mother around. I grew up a lot in a very short amount of time.
  • High School Boyfriend and I broke up

    My boyfriend of four years and I broke up on this day. We both changed a lot and realized how much we had to grow up-individually.
  • Changed my major to Special Education

    I changed my major to early childhood special education during this month. I originally was a Bio/genetics major, so this change was huge for me.