
My Life

  • Birth

    I was born 6 wks early. I kept in the hospital in an incubator for 2 wks. My mother was not encouraged to breast feed. Her mother bottle fed her & her 4 brothers. It was all she knew & no one ever gave her information otherwise. She was a smoker all through out her pregnancy. She was also taking care of my 2yr. old brother & in an unhappy marriage with little support. She was very stressed.
  • Period: to

    The First Two Years

  • Biosocial: Asthma/ hospitalized

    Biosocial: Asthma/ hospitalized
    At 4 months old I was hospitalized with asthmatic bronchitis. This was the beginning of a long string of hospital stays all through out my childhood. I was officially diagnosed with athsma at 6 months old. The information I read state that a diagnosis of asthma in infancy is not common because testing is hard in infants. Breathing difficulties are common in premature babies though, due to underdeveloped lungs.
  • Cognitive: Monkey see, Monkey do/Deferred Imitation

    Cognitive: Monkey see, Monkey do/Deferred Imitation
    My mom claims that by the time I was one, I would imitate almost everything my big brother did
  • Period: to

    The Play Years

  • Psychosocial: Santa's Scary/Stranger wariness

    Psychosocial: Santa's Scary/Stranger wariness
    My Mom has this pitiful picture of me screaming my head off trying to get off scary Santa's knee. My older brother was on the other knee looking nonplussed by my the situation.
  • Cognitive: Fast-Mapping

    When I was about 4 yrs my Mom had her best friend over & her friends 4 yr old son. I had a disagreement over something with the boy. I told him to "Get out of my face!". My Mom always thought that was a funny story. My parents were in the middle of a divorce. It's no mystery where I heard it before.
  • Psychosocial: Internalizing/Parents divorce

    I learned very early to keep my emotions & problems to myself. I already felt like a burden because I was sick a lot. When my parents divorces at 4 1/2 I was in charge of making my Mom happy. She validated that by telling me that was my job. I carried that into all of my relationships through high school.
  • Biosocial: Kindergarten.....twice

    Biosocial: Kindergarten.....twice
    I turned 5 at the beginning of kindergarten. The teacher discribed me as easily distracted and talkative. She recommended my mother hold me back a year. It was believed that because I was a preemie I was not yet ready for school. So I repeated kindergarten the following year.
  • Period: to

    Fictive Kin

    My two best friends have been with me since childhood. I'm closer to them than some of my biological family. They are sisters to me. My kids call them Auntie. My Mom met her best friend in the hospital when I was born. Her son is my cousin more than some of my biological cousins & she is one of my favorite aunts.
  • Period: to

    The School Years

  • Psychosocial: Mom remarries

    Psychosocial: Mom remarries
    My Mom marries my Step-Dad Michael. Best Dad ever.
  • Cognitive: Avid Reader

    Cognitive: Avid Reader
    My Mom & Step-Dad both read quite a bit. My Mom read to me often when I was young. By the time I was 9 I was an avid reader. I never struggled with spelling or language studies in school. I would be more likely found in the corner reading a book than watching television.
  • Biosocial: Overweight

    By the time I was 10 years old I was overweight. My mother grew up in a clean your plate household & ours was no different. My mother was always concerned about my health because of being a preemie & being asthmatic. She first started feeding me to catch me up in weight, which I did quickly. Then it was a reward, or something to sooth with. Obesity is prevelent in my family.
  • Psychosocial: Bullying

    I was bullied a lot in grade school. I was vulnerable & an easy target. I thought t was because I had asthma. It made me stick out. I thought no one else had asthma. When I reached middle school I was so suprised that so many kids there had asthma as well. In fifth grade a bully attacked me in class & the teacher just sat in the front & acted like he didn't see it. There's no way he didn't see it. So many people believe that being picked on is just part of childhood.
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  • Period: to

    Psychosocial: Boy (just)Friends

    Some of my closest friendships in middle school were with a group of boys. I'm still friends with 2 of them today. I went on to date one of them senior year in high school, but early on it was very innocent.
  • Biosocial:Period

    My first menstral period arrives at age 12. Thankfully it was not an embaressing moment. I was at school, but found out in the privacy of the girls locker room after gym. I don't remember being to happy about it. I had friends before me that started already. It didn't sound fun.
  • Cognitive: Contacts, etc...

    Cognitive: Contacts, etc...
    I earned the value of personal appearance from my peers. I saved up all my birthday money and chore money that year to buy contact lenses. I wanted to look my best and the coke bottle glasses had to go. I went on to spend a lot of time focusing hair, makeup & clothes. THe pic is of me and my best friend. I'm on the left.
  • Biosocial: Started Smoking

    Biosocial: Started Smoking
    Yes, I was the idiot asthmatic kid with a cigarette in her hand all through high school. My parents both smoked. I was always sick, so I never noticed a difference in my health.
  • Period: to

    Biosocial: Just Say No!

    My brother was sent to rehab when I was in 7th grade. I watched him go down hill from there. I was always the odd man out at parties. I never had a desire to do drugs or drink.
  • Psychsocial: Depression

    I was really sad my freshman year of high school. I would go in my room & shut everyone out. I was supposed to be the good kid, the one no one had to worry about, so I kept it to myself. I was in a great class my sophmore year that encouraged sharing & problem solving among peers in a healthy way.
  • Period: to

    Psychosocial:High School

    I was determined NOT to fit into any group or clique. I went out of my way to be "unique". I had a cose group of friends, but they were from all different groups. Even the groups I hung out with the most, I didn't quite fit in with them.
  • Cognitive: Learning to Achieve

    I took a class that focused on learning to achieve and handle life's stresses. It helped build my confidence and self-esteem. I was on the honor role for the first time ever that year.
  • Cognitive: Started College

    Cognitive: Started College
  • Period: to

    Emerging Adulthood

  • Period: to


    I attended community college with plans to transfer to MSU. My parents didn't support me & didn't want to take on student loans. I never transfered.
  • Psychosocial: Married

    Psychosocial: Married
    Married at 22. I turned 23 on my honeymoon. A lot of my friends got married that year. Only 2 are still married.
  • Biosocial: First Born

    Biosocial: First Born
    My son Julian Michael was born 2 months after my 24th b-day. 3 of my closest friends had babies with in 3 months of Julians birth. One of my friends got pregnant so she wouldn't be left out. Ugh.
  • Period: to


  • Period: to

    Biosocial: Obesity

    I continue to struggle with food addiction & I am feeling the effect on my body more acutely as I get older. I've lost significant amounts of weight over the years, only to gain it back.
  • Biosocial: Second Born

    Biosocial: Second Born
    My daughter Isabel Elena was born on my 29th birthday. She is the best present I ever got.
  • Psychosocial:Caring for Parents

    Psychosocial:Caring for Parents
    I have a lot more involvement in caring for my parents needs in the last few years. It is more and more as they progress in age, especially my father.
  • Cognitive: New Career

    Cognitive: New Career
    Graduated from Massage Therapy School. I have been a practicing Nationally Certified Massage Therapist/Myomassogist for over 2yrs now.
  • Cognitive: Back to School

    Cognitive: Back to School
    Started my first class in college since 1996.
  • Dying:Living Will

    Dying:Living Will
    The last few chapters really put a spotlight on a few things I need to think about NOW. The someday conversation I keep having with myself isn't getting important things done. I am going to have a living will done by the end of May. I'm setting goals that are more immediate. My desire is to have as little work for others as possible when I pass. I hope the last gift I give is some peace in grieving, because I won't leave people wondering what I want.
  • Psychosocial: Is it Over?

    It seems that if things continue as they are, divorce is eminent. We'll see.
  • Biosocial: Menapause

    Biosocial: Menapause
    If I follow my mothers path I will feel the beginnings of menapause in my late 40's. I hope it is as mild for me as it was for her. She has symptoms but they are managable.
  • Cognitive:Life Review

    Cognitive:Life Review
    I love talking with my 90 yrs old grandmother. She has the most amazing stories. I will love to share stories with my children, grandchildren & great-grandchildren.
    In the picture is My Great-Gramma, My Mom, Me & my daughter.
  • Period: to

    Late Adulthood

  • Biosocial: Wear and Tear/ Healthy lifestyle.

    Biosocial: Wear and Tear/ Healthy lifestyle.
    By the time I am 70, I'm sure I will be feeling the effects of the years. In the health I am in now, I'm already feeling it. If I can reduce my weight, and manage my asthma more effectively I hope that 70 feels better than I anticipate. I aim to be an active senior. I would love to be the gramma in the front row of the yoga class.
  • Psychosocial: Retirement?

    Psychosocial: Retirement?
    I don't have a big savings account right now. I have plans to be an active senior. I hope that I will be teaching along with practicing bodywork by my 50's and I can't see tiring of that until I'm in my mid 60's to 70.

    The founder of the Massage school I went to continued to learn, practice and teach massage unti she passed away at age 90. She was an amazing woman.
  • Death

    The age predicted when I took the age calculater was 81, even longer if I clean up my act. I hope to be around for as long as I am active and present. If I am physically here, but otherwise not present I hope that my children and family don't suffer over me.