What to Write on...
Throughout history, people used different natural materials to write messages, draw pictures, etc. When I began kindergarten in1996 I used standard notebook paper to write. While the margins, may have been wider as I learned to write, it is the type of paper that is still used to this day. However, to conserve the waste of paper, more instructors have decided to go a more eco-friendly route. Assignments are now more often submitted digitally instead of in written form on a piece of paper. -
Easy Day
Now we can easily stream videos online on a projector. But in elementary school, it was a special day when we saw the Television on wheels in our classroom. Sometimes it would be an educational film, but other times we got to have a free day and watch a movie we would enjoy. -
Out with the Sharpener...
Almost all throughout elementary school, I was used to going to the front of the class to sharpen my pencils. While the first wooden pencil may have been born in Germany in the 1600s, it did not make it to the United States until 1812. In 6th grade, I think I got my hands on my first Mechanical pencil and I felt so cool. I still used wooden pencils to take test though. -
White Boards
I had the same teacher for the last three years in elementary school and she would only write on a chalkboard. But when I entered middle school saw Whiteboards more commonly in classrooms. I walked in every classroom to see the teacher's name written on the board with a dry erase marker. -
Let there be overhead projection!
I thought this was so modern when I first saw it. How could you somehow see what was written on a piece of plastic on a thin screen that came down from the ceiling? This is where I saw the turn of technology and I thought it was amazing. It was mostly used in my middle school math classes to show the steps for math problems. -
My first computer
What an exciting time! Not only was YouTube created this year, but I was able to do more homework at home, and less at the library. Sure the internet was very slow, and the equipment took up the entire desk, but I could also work on my Myspace profile and play games when my parents were asleep. -
Math is getting Tricky now..
The first TI 30 calculator was invented in 1982 and was solar-powered. The first one I got my hands on required batteries and it was at the beginning of high school. Math was starting to get much more complicated and this calculator made checking my answers for my algebra homework much easier. -
Attempting to Excell at Excel
This program still stumps me to this day. It was first released in 1985 to formulate spreadsheets. It was utilized in my Business Math class my Junior year of high school. I remember one of the assignments was to make a budget to buy groceries. -
Print it out
Finally a solution to my terrible writing! It was sometimes a struggle to make my writing neat and legible when working on essays. In high school, it was not always mandatory to type our assignments. But when my dad brought a printer home one year I'm sure my teachers greatly appreciated it. My sister used to use a typewriter, which I know it was almost impossible to correct mistakes on. In 1988 the first printer came out intended for home use, but we did not have ours a good 20 years later. -
Safely remove Flash Drive
I had a familiarity with Floppy disks and things of the sort to save things on. But it wasn't until my first year of community college when I began using a flash drive to save all my assignments. Nowadays we can save it to a cloud, or expand the memory of our computers to save it directly as a document. Before having my own laptop I used public computers for the most part therefore this device was a must. The first Thumb Drive was invented in the year 2000.