My Freshman Year:)

  • My New Old Best Friend:):)

    Kasey and I have always been friends. Since 4th grade we've always been friends, but when we hit middle school, we barely talked; only when we saw each other at school or outside of school. But we never made an effort to talk to or hang out with each other. This summer we were unsepertable! We spent every waking moment together and now she's my best friend again.
  • Metacognition

    It's the awareness and understanding of one's own thoughts or possessions.
  • Mrs. Miller has awesome kids:)

    Mrs. Miller tells us stories about her kids all the time and her son is cool because he thought the texture on his room's ceiling was flies. :) hahahaha!
  • Brother's wedding!

    My brother joined the Marines a couple years ago and met the love of his life, Andrea France. Andrea was joinging the Marines, too but during bootcamp, she got dropped for sleep walking. She lived in Savannah, Missouri and he lived in St. Joseph, Missouri. They had this crazy idea to get married. My brother got a leave when he was in the service and came back the weekend of 9/11 and married Andrea. They now live in North Carolina and have started a family of their own.
  • Halloween! :(

    This year was the first year I had to stay home on Halloween instead of trick-or-treating with my friends and family. :/

    Kelcey Filley is my sister's ex best friend and she turned 22 this year. Even though she was my sister's friend; not mine, her and I have got close. She is close to me like a bigger sister.

    November 1st to November 30th was "No Shave November" and everyone tried to compete against each other. BAD IDEA! :O
  • So Long.. Fare Well, Sister. :(

    My sister moved to California to be with her boyfriend. She's moving back next month.

    Hunter Gregg became my most favorite person in this whole world! He's my all-time best friend! And I love him! :)
  • My First Perm! :D

    My cousin Amelia "Millie" gave me my first perm which no one thought would stay because how long and thick my hair was. It's been over 5 months, and my perm is still in. :)
  • Mr. Stroud has to be the meanest teacher, ever.

    He laughs at his jokes that aren't really funny in the first place, and his laugh sounds like a dying dolphin. Even though he's the meanest teacher, his laugh makes me laugh, too. :)
  • Long Distance Turkey..

    My best friend "Turkey" moved away to Pheonix, Arizona. :(
  • New Baby Cousin?! I'm thinking so! :D

    My favorite cousin, Bryson became the father of one of the cutest babies ever! Serena Michelle Jones is her name and I love her with all my heart! :) <3 she's the prettiest little rascal, ever. :)
  • Lindsay & I had long talks.. :)

    Lindsay Doolan is one of my best friends in the whole world. Her and I have long talks about any thing and every thing. :) she tells me everything, same as I do with her! :)
  • Words may just be words, but they do hurt..

    We had an assembly about banding the "R" word because that name is hurtful to people, and some people use it like it's any other right which isn't nice; it's hurtful.
  • Dylan Stanton moved away :'(

    Best friend got in trouble and had to move in with his dad in Utah.. :(
  • NEW FAVORITE SONG?! :D ..huh, Chase?! :)

    Bow Chicka Wow Wow became Chase and my favorite song! We know it word for word. :)
  • Sophie Addison Rogers. :)

    Another one of my cousins had a baby on Cinco De Mayo, and she looks identical to Serena! :) so pretty!

    My brother turned 20 on May 10th. :)
  • Superman..

    My little cousin wanted to talk to "Superman" so I called Hunter Gregg and let him talk to him. Kade was so convinced he was talking to Superman. Now he thinks he's going to get powers like Superman! :)