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My Exposure to Traditional and new Media

  • Infant days

    Infant days
  • Nursery Books

    Nursery Books
    With this kind of media, i have known a lot of beautiful things which filled my mind and made me creative.
  • Toddler DVD's

    Toddler DVD's
    Learning visually can help a child develop his/her learnings and it is easier because a child can just look and information will be decoded on its brain.
  • Keypad phones

    Keypad phones
    I started having keyoad phones when i was 5 because my father gave me one, so that i would learn to communicate to my parents and loved ones and also for emergency purposes.
  • Books

    Books helped me a lot because almost all of my learning are from books, my mother used to lend me books which helped me become knowledgeable about a lot of things.
  • Computers/Laptops/PC

    I've been used to this tool of media because i like playing girly games when i was little
  • Friendster

    Enables us to make friends.
  • Facebook

    Facebook enables us to communicate to everyone especially with our loved ones abroad without charging much loads. Through this we also can find friends or meet new friends from afar.
  • This is me now

    This is me now
    Media isn't bad if we just know how to use it properly , media also requires responsibility because a lot of fake news are spreading on social media so we should be responsible in all things.