My Experiences with Technology

  • Birth and Early Years

    Birth and Early Years
    In my early years I had my first experiences with technology. This came in various forms, from electronic toys to TV and video cassettes.
  • Period: to

    Birth - Present

  • Primary School

    Primary School
    My time in primary school vastly broadened my experiences with technologies. Aside from teachers using the computer in the classroom for resources, from a young age we were taught how to use computers ourselves and built up our IT skills such as typing, Later smartboards replaced whiteboards in our school and introduced a new, more interactive form of learning.
  • First Game Console

    First Game Console
    After receiving a Playstation 2 as a Christmas present, I was introduced to a new type of entertainment technology.
  • Internet and Family Computer

    Internet and Family Computer
    At a young age I started using the family computer more and had my first experiences with the internet. I learned about the different possible uses of the internet, although it was primarily entertainment focused at this age.
  • Portable CD Player

    Portable CD Player
    My first electronic device for music was a portable CD player. This is where my interest in music started to increase as listening to music became much more accesible.
  • First Phone

    First Phone
    After getting my first phone, staying in contact with friends and family became much easier and became an essential tool for communication.
  • Playstation 3

    Playstation 3
    After getting a Playstation 3, different entertainment platforms were combined as it could be used to play DVDs, music or even go on the internet.
  • First iPod

    First iPod
    My first iPod changed the way I listened to and obtained music. Being able to have a greater quantity of songs increased my musical taste and features such as creating playlists increased my interest in music further.
    Buying music digitally also became a frequent occurence for me and eventually I would rarely buy CDs.
  • Social Networks

    Social Networks
    In 2009, I signed up for my first social networking profiles. Facebook and Twitter became ways to connect with friends and family, as well as keep up to date with news, music, sports etc.
  • Technology in Work

    Technology in Work
    Working for my parents company required me to have good IT skills. I learned how to use e-mail for work purposes as well as some computer design skills suited to the work of the company. This use of technology continued into every job I have had.
  • First Smartphone

    First Smartphone
    After buying my first smartphone I was able to use the internet more freely and social networking sites became much more accessible. I also gained different uses from my phone with different apps, such as music streaming or further social networking apps such as Instagram.
  • University

    Starting university required me to use technology for many different types of work. Pegasus and myplace are essential tools for staying on course with university work.