My educational timeline

By lbrun
  • College Domus Sapientae

    College Domus Sapientae
    When I was 1 year old my parents moved from India to Brazi because my father work. At 2 years old they put me in a school. Of course I don’t remember anything but my father is telling me that I was happy when he drop me at the school the morning before his work. I had a blue and yellow uniform and everybody talked to me in portuguese.
  • Lighthouse kinder

    Lighthouse kinder
    At the end of 2014, my dad had a new job in Mexico so we had to move out again i was 3 years old. Here again I dont remember but my dad said that the school was not to far from my house and I could go walking. My dad sad that it was generally my made that came to drop me and pick me up. but this time I had an orange and blue uniform. My best friend in this school was a friend named Arthur that was French like me. This is the school were I started to learn spanish with classes and activities.
  • Lycée Français of Mexico

    Lycée Français of Mexico
    Because i’m french my parents decided to put me in a french school. It was a very big school because the kids were from kinder to IB2. I entered in kinder big section and in the total i stayed until grade 3. In this school I learnt a lot of different topics and the classes were in French. I had the occasions to go on to field trip of experience to learn activities outside of school. In that school i remember that my dad would give me money to buy thing in the cafeteria.
  • Football(hobbie)

    At the age of 7 my best friend in Mexico teached me how to play football but I was very bad. After sometime I started to like football. After two years I joined a football school which helped me a lot. Before I was a very good goal keeper. After some time I did a tournament of two schools against each other and we lost. After a year I decided to be a striker and then I played matches with my dad and my friensds football is a very fun activities and sport and the best team is PSG.
  • CIS online schooling

    CIS online schooling
    This is the school that i’m in right now. This school is where i learnt to speak english. I moved out to India in 2020 during the covid. And I started on grade 4 in online school. At first I was doing it from Mexico because i didn’t have my visa. It was very difficult for me because my classes started at ten pm local time. Thanks to the support classes I was helped to follow english.
  • CIS on campus

    CIS on campus
    Finally in the start of 2022 and after 2 years of online schooling I learnt the good news to come on campus during my grade 5 with mrThomas. I finally could see what the school looked like I was very happy and made a lot of friends. I was impressed by the campus. And my parents told me that this school had a lot of cultures and the CIS core values. And that the school had a swimming pool and now i’m very excited to participate on the Experience learning travel that my dad informed me.
  • Piano(hobbie)

    When I was in Mexico I did not know any instruments except for the flute. But then I joined CIS grade 6 And started learning piano it was so annoying at the beginning because I had to learn the chords and the notes. After when I was in home I learned my songs on the Ipad But it was so difficult. Then I searched for a piano in amazon and ound a cheap one. I begged for my dad to buy it. Then he bought it I started learning new songs and learned happy birthday for my mom in France.
  • Global perspectives

    Global perspectives
    Global perspectives is a very good subject I like it because of the posters we create and the projects that we do like the create a website, what makes us human project. This subject is very fun you sometimes work in pairs and sometimes seperatly. When we are in groups its so much fun but when its individual work it’s pretty boring when you are in groups you can talk to your partner and all so it makes it so much more fun.