My Education Timeline

  • My First Year of School!

    My first school was Pindorama! I studied there until 6th grade. I entered in school in level 3. I was 2 years, but I turned 3 on the same year. I don't remeber well, because it was a time ago. But, on the level 3, we normally play, eat and sleep. Here is the photo of my first day!!!
  • Ballet!

    On 2013, I started the doing ballet when I was 3 years old. I did it on a classroom in Pindô. I did many friends there! There is one that we are still very good friends, and I talk to her a lot. My teacher was Leca, and she works here in Fundação and she is our P.E teacher. On 2016 I finished the ballet, I don't know why but the ballet class ended. But until today, I still liking ballet so much!
  • Level 4!

    On 2014, I went the Level 4. At the same year, I started the swimming pool! It was at Pindô. When I was 1 year old, I started the swimming pool, with my mom, but my mom, didn't like it, so I went to the Pindô's swimming classes. When the pandemic started, they ended the swimming pool classes, but on this year, I'm going to go back!!! I'm so excited and happy! My teachers were Gabi and teacher Ana Paula.
  • Level 5!

    In 2015 I went to the level 5! I was so excited to start level 5! It was my last year at kidergarden. My teacher was Teacher Gabi. She don't teach there anymore, because she moved to Porto Alegre, and she teachs on another school now. On that year, 3 new classmates enterd on school.
  • First Grade!

    In 2016 I entered on the 1st grade. I don't remeber very well too but, I know I was very anxious, because on the 1st grade the things change so much than the level 5. My portuguese teacher was Teacher Renati and my english one was Teacher Fabiana. Honestly, Teacher, was a bit angry, but I learned much there.
  • 2nd Grade!

    In 2017, I started the second grade. To the 1st grade, to the 2nd I had a BIG glow up. Honestly, I'd really don't like so much my 2017 version. It was so much PINK, PINK and PINK. As you can see, I really loved pink in this era. On the end of the year, we started doing tests, and the teachers were preparing us to the 3rd grade. My teachers, were Ana Paula and Teacher Carla.
  • 3rd Grade!

    In 2018 I started the 3rd grade. Definitively not the best year for me. The tests started, and the "best friend" era too. At that year, I had many toxic friends. My best friend went out from school, my other best friend said that she didn't want to be my "best friend" anymore, my toxic enemy turned into a "friend", I had friends that were so rude, and false. Yeah, it was sad. But, on the other side, I had very good teachers, and very good grades! My teachers were Carô and teacher Jana!
  • 4th grade!

    In 2019 I started the 4th year! This one wasn't very great too. My class was divided. Someones went to other schools, someones went to the morning, and the result: a class of 5 classmates! Yes, 5 people in the class, and we were all girls! So, on the start of the year, we were 5, but on May, the only one who was my true friend, went out of the school! And then was me, ans the worst trio ever! When they were togheter...Oh, you really don't want to know. My teacher were Lisa and Tecaher Karin!
  • Cambridge Test!

    On 2019, I did the Cambridge test! The experience was very nice! And I really liked it! Only one of my classmates didn't do the test! So, we went to POA in a van, to do the test. I think 2 teachers were with us on that day. I did the test, and it was so easy to me, because I studied too much for that! Then, I got the maximum grade, with all the coats of arms. It was awsome!
  • 5th Grade!

    In 2020, I started the 5rd grade! I was so happy because the things wre going to change so much for me! The subjects were going to be separated, the teachers, the new subjects. We were going to complete 1 month of going to school, and then COVID. Ah!!! That was so bad, because I loved to go to school, and with it, I couldn't. The online classes were hard. Back on the start of the year, I didn't want to have filosophy, but today is my favorite subject! I got back to school on the end of year.
  • 6th Grade!

    On 2021 I started the 6th grade. The classes started online but in May, they were presential again! Some teachers were new, and the others, not. It wasn't the best year, because, having, my "old" (now) classmates in class was so bad! They are so agitated. On the end of the year, I couldn't take them anymore.
  • 7th Grade!

    On this year, I started the 7th grade!!!! I was so excited to go to a new school, new classmates, new teachers, new life! Honestly, I'm really liking Fundação! I did many new friends, but I still hanging out with my 2 friend from the other class. I just wanna say, that I'm so happy there!