Chirayu’s Education History

By King1
  • Mother Pixies

    Mother Pixies was a preschool in Delhi, I used to be there when I was about 3 years old I was in the school for about 4-6 months and the school was not a good school, it was so children could get used to being away from parents. I didn’t do much at home and just watched TV and slept a lot. (I do not have photos of me at this age)
  • British Council

    My father had to move to Spain because his job required him to move once again, I learned to speak Spanish in this school and I got fluent in the language. I had many friends in the school and I played tag with my friends a lot. Out of school there was a pool in the society and me and all my friends would swim or at least try to. The photo is of me at roughly 4 years looking at a phone for the first time
  • Step Ahead

    I was in this school because my father had to take many business trips to Mauritius and it was easy to for the family to stay in Mauritius. I was always crying when I went to the the school and always wanted to stay back at home with my father. I didn’t do anything at home except just sleep a ton and watch a lot of TV. (I don’t have photos of this timeline either)
  • Cricket

    Around 2015 I started playing the game cricket, I played with my mother and father in Spain. I got better and better at the game and I still play it with my brother and my father to this day, I used to play cricket a lot and watched lots of matches online on the TV or sometimes on a iPad. I only knew how to bat at this age, but soon I learned to bowl too. The photo is of me at this age cutting my cake at my birthday and going to play cricket
  • Kumon

    Kumon was a giant organization which was in different countries including Japan, India and several others. Kumon was not a school but more like a giant tutoring organization. They gave you about 10 pages of maths and you must do them all, front and back, I ended up learning complicated fractions at age 8 around.
  • ASIJ (American School In Japan)

    In 2017 my fathers job required him to move once again and this time I had to go to Japan. I went to a school called ASIJ, I had many friends and we always used to have fun and play tag or race. The education in the school was pretty slow and my mother said that the school will add more pressure and give tougher work at the 6th grade. For that reason my parents put me in Kumon which was basically a bunch of turtors for 20 kids at once, I also played cricket a lot and rode my bike a ton in Japan.
  • Football

    In 2015 I learned to play football and I liked to play football a lot with my friends, I liked to dribble and shoot a lot but, I didn’t get the ball much and I started striking the ball from long range and hoping that it would go in. I played with many friends but I ussually I wouldn’t play with all of them I just played with my friend Caden. I played football inside and outside of school a lot.
  • IAS

    I was in IAS in Poland and once again it was of my dads job, the school was unusually small and ridiculously stuffy, the teachers payed no attention to the students and practically let them jump around doing what ever they wanted. The only two classes when students litsened to teachers was English and PE. I had many friends and I liked to play football and some cricket outside school.
  • CIS

    I joined CIS this year and its has been a pretty good year so far, I play football with Lucas, Lou and Kiichi, I play football at the society at home with about 20 of my friends and I also play cricket at the cricket nets with my brother and with my father.