Prenatal Development & Birth
My parents tell me that before being born they would go to walks to the park and my dad played music to my mom's belly.I was born in the afternoon on the same day as my older sister's birthday party. My mom delivered me the natural way, that is without a cesarean section (c-section), it was at a hospital in Chihuahua, Mexico with medical assistance. I weighted 3.950 kilograms. -
Period: to
First Two Years
Developing an understanding -
First two years: Biosocial Development
At 6 months old I was able to stand by holding on to couches in the house or other furniture. Then my parents got me a walker. I got immunized after my first month of birth on October 18th.
I was baptized on December 22, 1991 -
First two years: Cognitive Development
At about 9 months old, my parents would play peek-a-boo with me and they tell me that I used to find it very amusing. My first repeated syllables were "mama." My mom tells me that I would move my body with certain music rhytms; appreciating the sounds of my culture. -
First two years: Psychosocial Development
My mom, through synchrony would grab my feet smell them and say "putshi" meaning that they smelled bad, I would immediately react and laugh to it. My attachment solidified at age 1 mostly with my mother. I never attended day care. At two years old, I feard spiders, height, and dark. -
Period: to
Early Childhood
Period of extraordinary growth, learning and play. -
Early Childhood: Biosocial Development
At a little bit more than 3 years old with regard to my nutrition, I was not too picky, I would eat everything my mom would give me. I loved to color and draw, I have some memory of a huge coloring book my sister and I shared. -
Early Childhood: Cognitive Development
Between age 2 and 6 I was utilizing preocupational intelligence. I remember not being able to understand the conservation of liquid if I saw a taller glass of water next to a short one but with the same amout I would choose the taller one. When my parents asked me "what is heavyer a kilogram of rocks or a kilogram of cotton?" I would choose a kilogram of rocks.
I found a graduation program from kindergarden, I graduated on June 1997. -
Early Childhood: Psychosocial Development
In my preschool I would mostly play with girls, and most of our play was pretend-to. I remember we once dared eachoter to eat dirt, I did it. My punishments consisted of taking away the toy I was playing with, or telling me to stop. -
Period: to
Middle Childhood
Acknowledging the joys and difficulties of ages 6 to 11. -
Middle Childhood: Biosocial Development
My age was 7 and I remember playing a lot with my neighbors in Chihuahua Mexico. Between the hide and seek, go get the bottle, jumping the rope, and tag my favorite was when we formed a clubhouse. I also remember before going out to play we had to read 2 pages from the bible. I was also attending gymnastics at a school near my house but stopped attending shortafter maybe because my parents saw I had no intrest, I do not remember why. However I do remember going to Tae Kwan Do class. -
Middle Childhood: Cognitive Development
I attended public school and at school-age I remember I used to take primary school very seriously; I always wanted to get the highest score in my classroom, especially because my parents would raise my allowence. During this period I was also enrolled in tae kwon do, but did not last long. -
Middle Childhood: Psychosocial Development
At this time if not a little earlier I remember that I used to have very peculiar thoughts about why am I here? I would not ask anyone, they were just thoughts, I wandered where I came from. I found the certificate of my first communion dated September 2, 2001. At school I had a few girlfriends, two of them were my closest friends; Ale and Jelen. -
Adolescence: Biosocial Development
I was a skinny girl in primary school. Although I had started puberty, my menarche had yet not started until later. I remember asking my mom to buy me make up or let me use hers, yet the only make up she would let my sister and I use was colorless but shinny lipgloss. My mom tells me that I would eat almost anything, except cilantro. I got my menarche around October 2003, at age 12. -
Period: to
Covering biology and culture from ages 11 to 18 -
Adolescence: Cognitive Development
At about this time I had heard my parents that we were coming to live to the United States. I was more excited than scared, I began to make my little sister believe that I could speak english and one time we went to a park we were both sounding unfamiliar words that to us were English words, and we made believe other girls at the park that we spoke English. We always remember that time and laught really hard. I moved to Michigan and entered 7th grade not knowing English and having no friends. -
Adolescence: Psychosocial Development
While trying to make new friends and learn English, our parents were also taking us to meet places, we went to Niagara falls, Mackinak Island, Cedar Point, Frankethmuth, Ohio, etc. I always felt close to my parents and sisters. Later I met other girls that had also moved here from Mexico and went to my school we ate luch together, but months later they moved back. I made new friends some were nice and thought that knowing Spanish was cool, while others avoided me or I couln't communicate well. -
Period: to
Emerging Adulthood
It is characterized in ages 18 to 25 by more education, later marriage, fewer births, and postponed career choices. -
Emerging Adult: Biosocial Development
Just after graduating high school on June 2009 I was still seventeen but as my dad lost his job my older sister, back then 19 years old, moved to Mexico with my aunt to continue studying. Again new friends had to be made. In high school I was the president of the Spanish American Latino Student Association were we had salsa dancing and I had formed great friend bonds there. I never had a boyfriend neither in middle school nor in high school. -
Emerging Adult: Cognitive Development
I did all four years in high school here, but after graduating in 2009 and moving to Mexico I was not accepted in the dental faculty of the University of Chihuahua, so for a semester I took workshops to take the entry exam, studied, and worked at a gym. I finally got accepted. I liked Dental school a lot, but emotional tensions between my mom and little sister being in Denver, my dad in Wisconsin, my older sister and I in Mexico, made us all want to move together again. So in 2011 we moved back. -
Emerging Adult: Psychosocial Development
Although I moved much, I am pretty stable with friendships and I do not find it hard to make new friendships. Most of my friends are girls. In August 2011 I started at Schoolcraft. Months later I got a job at a sorting company in Canton. There I met my boyfriend. We first became friends. In July 17 2012 he asked me to be his girlfriend. He is from a different culture and religion from mine but we have found many things in common for instance that family is a big part of us. -
Period: to
Covering 40 years from ages 25 to 65, when bodies mature, minds master new material, and people work productively. -
Adulthood: Biosocial Development
I am 21 years old 5 feet 3 inches high and I will not grow any taller. I plan to become a nurse and then go to medical school. My boyfriend and I do not cohabit we each live with our parents. I work mostly as a babysitter. I have also been a waitress and a gym instructor. I assume my vision will decline since I already have nearsightedness and wear glasses. I do not smoke but I do drink on special occasions. I like volleyball and attend Summit on the Park in Canton. School is my priority. -
Adulthood: Cognitive Development
I consider myself to have more analytical than creative or practical intelligence. I mostly do good in school and have always been on the Dean’s list at Schoolcraft. I was a Peer Assisted Learning leader for the PAL program for physics. I enjoy school. I am also a membership chairman for Honors in Action for PTK Honors Society. This is a picture of me in dental school in Mexico. I have leadership skills and interpersonal communication skills so I hope to one day manage a hospital. -
Adulthood: Psychosocial Development
I am in the Intimacy versus isolation stage of adulthood as described by Erikson because as an adult I am trying to reach self-actualization. I have mutual intimacy with closest friends, family and boyfriend. My personality is agreeable, conscientious, and extroversive. I believe in sacrificing personal freedom and success to care for one another, especially with my family, a phenomenon called familism. I do want to get married but after finishing school as well as have children. -
Period: to
Late Adulthood
Late adulthood continues earlier patterns rather than braking from them. This period of life is a magnet for misinformation and prejudice. -
Late Adulthood: Biosocial Development
In my late adulthood I hope to have maintained my marriage, and that my husband is alive as well. I also hope we have raised successful children. I want to be an active lady to keep my health. I especially want to do a lot of walking to improve my knees I am afraid I will be like my grandmother who always struggles with her right knee. I hope to live up to 100 or more years, as I like to stay healthy by not smoking, drinking and staying active. This is a picture of my mom, my grandfather and I. -
Late Adulthood: Cognitive Development
Although multitasking slows down people of every age, I want to be more adept at using the resources I will have, in hope that my prefrontal cortex will still function well because as of now I have a working memory and I do well at multitasking. However, I have problems remembering people’s names so I hope that writing down reminders, talks to make me think, and screening out distractions will help in the future. My mom’s mother suffered of dementia, so I may be prone to it. -
Late Adulthood: Psychosocial Development
I will like to be very involved in my community doing volunteer work. I feel I will cling to familiar places or possessions. I already like to focus on positive than negative things, so the positivity effect might be something I will go through. I would love to stay at my original home, if not possible I would not mind my kids taking me to another residence. My parents told me that my grangrandfather lost his writing ability something which may be associated with IADLs. -
Death and Dying
I do not like to think about death but just like my grandparents I would like to be buried and not cremated. My life expectancy was calculated at 93 years old. If I would be in an unconscious state and deciding medical procedures is not possible I would leave it to a health care proxy. I would not like people to be sad for my death. I want them to do what my dad’s family in Mexico do; have a family gathering after the funeral, music is played, and food is served to everyone.