My Crazy Life

  • Birth

    This is the day of my birth, I was born on May 10, 2002 at the Ardila Lule Hospital in Bucaramanga,I am the older brother, I have always lived with my parents, although sometimes I have shared a house with other people
  • Birth of Daniel

    Birth of Daniel
    This year was something nice since it is the birth of my first brother Daniel, although I do not remember much I think it was something nice
  • First fall

    First fall
    In this year I suffered a fall in a spikes plant It was very painful and sad because it was my mom and my aunt who dropped me
  • First changed

    This year I had my first move, I remember we live with my grandmother to lived with my cousins, all this because my father changed jobs.
  • Second blessing

    Second blessing
    This was a great year for my family since my second brother David was born, I remember many things, I was the second person to have him in my arms even though it was only a second it was very nice and this year was also my baptism
  • Loves Sports

    Loves Sports
    in this year I started my judoka times thanks to my grandmother who transported me from side to side, this time was strange for me since I was still a child but I was with the Colombian judo team, that is, with older people, this helped me in my process as a person
  • I was born to win

    at this time I was part of the santander selection of judo was the only child who was part of it, I was the teacher's consent and everyone loved me, I had already been 9 times a departmental champion, it was all an honor
  • Not everything is beautiful

    Not everything is beautiful
    for this year I had trained a lot since they were my first competition outside Santander, I had very high expectations which decreased when I saw my category, I was still a child and my opponents were giants so I did not achieve the first place, I won 27 times in a row gold medal to a bronze, it was difficult but everything continued.
  • My First love

    My First love
    the year was normal I started talking to a partner, at first I thought I only wanted her as a friend but things changed in me, little by little I started to feel things for her it was weird since I never told her what I felt, from that moment change my way of thinking because it is better to live and lose than to feel nothing
  • Sharks

    this year I decided to start training cheerleading a sport that literally changed my life, giving me a different physical appearance, I joined the sport because I liked gymnastics and some day I wanted to get to the air and this year we went to a departmental championship with seconds left and a national championship also being second
  • Life change

    This was a good year for me, I started being fat and ended up being skinny, this year I started to go out more with my friend, I got together with very nice people who are still in my life, I competed 2 times with the sharks team being champion 2 Sometimes, I made my first gymnastics movement and it was also a very crazy year
  • Gold brooch

    Gold brooch
    This has probably been the best year of my life, I made very good friends who have accompanied me at all times, I went to a cheerleading camp which I loved, I have lived too many experiences with people that I really did not expect in my life, I lived a spiritual retreat which helped me in many things, I met a girl who has changed my way of seeing life, she has taught me many things and I hope she continues in my life For a long time, I hope my life is full of blessings and good people ...