My Grand Entrance
I was born Febuary 28th, on the same day as my 2nd youngest Auntie. I was born in Torrance,CA. I two wonderful parents that enjoy me and my company for now. -
In Loving Memory
On this day mother past away she is gone but never forgotten. She was an amaszing mother she was born in Lousianna then moved to South Central L.A, CA. She is the mother of 12 children with my Father being one of her decendents. He is the youngest son. -
Graduated Elemtary School
On this lovely day I graduated elemtrary school. It was an accomplishment to me because my parents got a divorce in the middle of my 5th grade year, it caused me to fall behind. They didn't believe I would be able to catch up and graduate. I did just that, both of my parents stood in the audience while I sung the National Anthem -
I'm Pregnant!
Today is the day I found out I am 6 months pregnant. Yes, 6 months pregnant with a lovely daughter. I was extrmemly scared I didn't know what I was going to do. I knew my father would have been really upset with me I was only 16. -
When I moved out of California for the first time ever
I was only 17 when I moved out to Arizona. I've been living in California for 17 years. I moved out her with my fiancé and children, we needed a better way of living. Coming to Arizona was an amazing feeling. I felt as though I just got my freedom. I left my Father's house to get a house of my own. -
When I got my first job
I was 17 when I landed my first job at Payless Shoe store. It was a great experience, I got to react with customers and learn how not to be so shy. Working here taught me that I am capable of doing anything. -
She Has Arrived!
Today is the day I gave birth to my beautiful daughter Arianna. I came up with her name because I knew a latina with that name and she was just gorgous. It also has my name in it. I was pushing for 2 hours and in labor for 22 hours. The best day of my life this is the day i realized what true love was. -
My daughter's first birthdate
Today is the day my daughter turned 1. What an amazing feeling, just to know that I popped out a human child which I happened to keep alive and safe for 1 full year. I was up all night making center pieces and putting up streamers. It turned out a success -
When I found out I was pregnant with my son:
I've had a feeling I was pregnant again, I just wasn't having morning sickness. I told my fiancé I was pregnant and he didn't believe. So I decided to go to the E.R and check for myself since not all pregnancy tests are accurate. Right then and their she told me I was 2 weeks! -
When I gave birth to my son
July 27th 2014 is the day my handsome son decided to come. I was due on the 17th of July, but no he wasn't having it. The day before I gave birth to my sun I got educed to make Elijah come. I was pushing for 3 hours and he weighed almost 8 pounds I couldn't believe it. -
When I got back in high school:
Today is the day I decided to start getting my life in order. There comes a point in time you want to do better than what you are doing and finishing High School is what I needed to do so. I decided to go to Primavera because for one it was the only school that excepted me that can work around my schedule. I have two kids so that means I have no time to waist, I have to work so I have two jobs. -
When I got my first car by myself and my own money, no co-signer
I finally saved enough money to put a down payment on a car. I went to Cactus Jacks and then nailed me a 2005 PT Cruiser Convertible, can you say amazing? I didn't even need a co-signer. It was a great feeling when I pulled off the lot with my brand new car knowing that I worked to the bone to come up with the money it paid off.