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My Biography Daniel Rubiano

  • My Main Data

    My Main Data
    I was born in Chia-Cundinamarca, my name is Daniel Alejandro and my last name Rubiano Garzon, my parents are Manuel Rubiano and Amparo Garzon, I am the second brother of four, the oldest is 17 years old, the third is 12 years old and the last is 8 years old, all my life I have lived in Cajica
  • My First Day of Class

    My First Day of Class
    I remember well that day, like all the children that day I cried because I did not want to be in the garden, but as the hours passed I like to play and share with others.
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    My Primary

    In primary school it was very special, because I developed several friendships that I still have with me today, I studied at the San Gabriel Educational Institution since transition, where I was only two days in transition and I was promoted to first because of my knowledge, I was and I am still a very responsible, committed and verbal, and I like to learn different things, which helps me because any topic I understand is fast and easy.
  • The Best Sport

    The Best Sport
    Initially I did not feel any sports preference, until I found out that volleyball existed, everything started with a notice that said they were going to see training for all the children of the neighborhood, starting to develop a very strong emotion at the time of playing, training several months. to my first tournament in the town of Tenjo, after that tournament my position began to be a shipowner, forming me as a person and player knew that this sport was my life.
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    The Secondary

    High school has been pretty good in the academic sense, where I have to give my maximum in two areas, study and sports, one of the most difficult grades has been leveled, but I have not had a problem, in all my study I have lost any subject, this shape me for the future, I mean the university, this last year has to be full of success because a life is defined and there are several options where the sport is.
  • The Sea and Volleyball

    The Sea and Volleyball
    Volleyball has led me to know too many places in Colombia such as Medellin, La Estrella, Ubate, Valledupar, Mesitas, Sopo, Chia, Madrid, Cisneros, Funza, Tulua, Candelaria, Acacias, Cogua, Cali, Pereira, among others. But the most special and emotional was Barranquilla, where in addition to being champions of the tournament, this gave me the opportunity to know the sea something very special and unique.
  • My First Pet

    My First Pet
    My pet is a cat, his name is Otto and it is very special for the family
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    A Whole Process With Volleyball I

    The stage that most marked my life, already in four years of playing volleyball, I had not injured but then it happened, that was in August of 2017, I broke a finger where I was three months and started playing until December, that time It was hard enough for me, I needed the sport, but I learned too many things, my perspective of seeing the Cambodian world, having a psychologist and a sportsman helped me a lot to my recovery, after those injuries.
  • Experience with Professional Players

    Experience with Professional Players
    This was a South American volleyball that was in Sopo, where I attended every day to watch professional players from different countries, the best thing for me was to know the captain and ship owner of Brazil who left me a valuable instructor for my training , and also seeing the Colombian Selection of volleyball gives hope to try harder to get to this.
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    A Whole Process With Volleyball II

    ... I pass the time and until 2018 in February I went back to injure another fracture of a finger this time was also very hard, and I repeated all that process that I had already done, from this I learned too much to value things and know the support of who I have and until my birthday I could not stop the tears because they told me that I could not play yet, that was very hard for me, but they barely told me that I already asked to play, my level was improving faster and faster where I excelled
  • Plus Volleyball

    Plus Volleyball
    ... with my team and I managed to give in the Cundinamarca, but for a budget reason could not participate in that tournament that was so important to me, I have continued training and it was clear to where I want to go and here I want to shut his mouth