my awesome life!

  • I was born

    I was born
    This was the day I John Espinal was born.
    my parents were very happy and exited that i was born healthy!
  • The best fireworks!

    The best fireworks!
    I rember this were the first fireworks i had ever seen, i still remember because they were so amazing, and i remember i saw this green firework it was the most biggest, loudest firework i had ever seen!
  • Beach time!

    Beach time!
    That summer of 2002 i remember my dad telling me if i was ready for this.
    I remember telling him "yes" but i really wasn't.
    i didnt know how to swim so i was really scared to get in the water. But that same day my dad threw me to the water and helped me learn how to swim!
    From that day on, i love the beach!
  • The surprice!

    The surprice!
    This was the year that i turned nine i remember my mom was really exited and she seemed like she wanted to tell me something.
    It was 5 five in the afternoon, my parents therw me a big party.
    At the end of the party my mom finally decided to tell my what my surprice was. I was a little nervous so she told me and what the surprice was, it was that i was going to come to the U.S to get a good education.
    I was really exited!
  • Coming to the U.S

    Coming to the U.S
    This was the day we arrived with my grandma and the rest of the family!
  • Six Flags

    Six Flags
    The day that i got to go to six flags for my first time, i remember i was really nervous, and my stomach had butterflies.
    When we got there i was really exited.
    I got in my first ride and it was like heaven i was really happy!
    At the end of the day i was sick for riding so many rides!
  • A brand new boat!

    A brand new boat!
    This was the day that my dad decided to get a boat for the family.
    Because my mom loves the water, my dad bought her this really beautiful boat for her birthday!
  • Beach time!

    Beach time!
    This was the day that we went to the beach with the whole family it was my cousins birthday, so we decided to celebrate it at corpus. it was lots of fun that day!
  • My first awesome job!

    My first awesome job!
    This summer of 2012 i had the best job ever.
    I used to work making piano keys, it was the most funnest job of the world!
  • The best school ever!!

    The best school ever!!
    This day was the day that i got to the best school i had ever been to.
    All the teachers are so nice and funny, and the school is great!