My birthday
I was born through a vaginal birth. I was born June 7th, 1995, in Olney, Illinois, in the Richland hospital. My birth weight was 8lbs 7oz. I had a bad case of jaundice,which caused me to stay a whole week in the hospital before my parents could take me home. My sister Celina, was two years old when I was born, and our brother Nathanael, was born two years after me.The fact that I was in the hospital so long and away from my mom probably had a negative affect on my attatchment to my mom. -
My first fish
I caught my first fish with the help of my daddy. He taught me and my two siblings to fish and took us as often as he could when we were young. Looking back, it seems that my dad always wanted to be the ''fun'' parent, and because of that, I would consider him to be a permissive parent most of the time, but at times he would be an athoritative parent when it came to doing choirs especially. -
My dad died
He died of melanoma cancer after battling cancer for two years. Previously, about ten years before, he had cancer in his eye. I was not close to my dad when he died, which made his death very difficult for me to deal with. My feelings were mostly intrinsic, because I felt so sad and ashamed, and I did not know how to express that to anyone. -
NYC (Nazarene youth conference)
At this weekend event I had a significant experience with God, where he brought healing to my broken heart. This was the year after my dad's death, and his death was something that was still very painful for me to deal with. My faith in God was a healthy way for me cope with my loss, and I would not be where I am today without my faith in God. -
My sister went to college right before my senior year of high school, we were very close when she left. It was hard to be apart from her when she was at school and I was at home because she was my best friend, and we did everything together. i had to adjust to life without her at home, and find my identity. I was very attached to her, and was not always sure how to function without her. The first time she came home she and I had so much to say to each other that it was hard to stop talking. -
My first time working on a roof
Working on a roof for the first time was a really good experience for me, it showed me that I can do things that I thought were impossible for me. My motives for doing this were very intrinsic, I wanted to help the lady who's roof we were working on, and make it nice for her, And I wanted to do something that was out of my comfort zone, and that I did not know if I could do or not. -
My freshmen year of college
This was taken on LEAP day, and this is me with my LEAP group. I was very nervous on this day, and I had a difficult time bonding with the people in my group. I remember doing some social comparison in my head. I helped with making our team flag, and I was very excited that I could help with this because i am good at art, and I noticed that i was not as messy as the other people in my group when it came to working on the flag. I also noticed that I was a lot more quiet than most of my teammates. -
first drawing class
The first drawing class that I ever took was at Trevecca. This is the first drawing that I made in that class, and it brought my self-esteem up because I felt like I was really becoming good at drawing, and that excited me. I also received compliments from my art teacher and my fellow classmates on this drawing. -
My 2oth birthday
My 20th birthday was the first time that I realized just how much I had grown up, and it was a really encouraging realization. Plasticity in my personality is still a significant thing, because It is still easier for me to change things about my personality than it is for older adults, and I find that I am open to new experiences. -
New friend (potential future brother-in-law)
My Freshman year of college during my first semester I met Taylor Borck, but we did not become friends until my second semester. We have struggled in our friendship because I am afraid to trust people, and I think another reason is that we are very similar in some ways, which can make it difficult to get along. I would not give up his friendship for anything, and I hope that he will someday marry my sister and become my brother-in-law.