Muhammad Timeline

  • 570


    He was born in the town of Mecca. Muhammad's father died before his birth so he was raised by his mother.
  • 575

    Death of Muhammad's Mother

    Death of Muhammad's Mother
    Muhammad and his mother traveled to a town north of Mecca. On their way home, Amina became sick and died.
  • 594

    A New Job

    A New Job
    After working as a shepherd in his teenage years, Muhammad worked for his cousin Khadija bint Khawalayd. He carried goods for her on a trip north.
  • 595


    He then became married to the same woman that he carried the goods for. She was much older than he was.
  • 610

    Muhammad's Divine Meditation

    Muhammad's Divine Meditation
    In this year, while meditating Muhammad received his first set of visions. These visions would shape his early teachings.
  • 613

    Muhammad's First Teachings

    Muhammad's First Teachings
    Muhammad revealed to his tribe the visions he was having. This was the first time that he taught people about his visions, and his words would be turned into the Qur'an at a later date.
  • 625

    Skirmish With the Meccans

    Skirmish With the Meccans
    Starting in 625 Muhammad and his followers would engage in 3 battles with the Meccans. They won the first fight in this year.
  • 630

    Mecca is Conquered

    Mecca is Conquered
    Muhammad's men destroy the false idols after conquering the Mecca forces. Meanwhile Muhammad recites verses from the Qur'an while commanding his men.
  • 631

    Muhammad's Famous Pilgrimage

    Muhammad's Famous Pilgrimage
    In the last years of his life, Muhammad embarks on a final pilgrimage. During this time he delivers his famous speech which causes his followers to go after the Christians.
  • 632


    Muhammad dies beside Aisha.