Muhammad's Major Life Events

  • 570

    Muhammad's Birth

    Muhammad's Birth
    In 570, Muhammad was born in Mecca, Arabia (current day Saudi Arabia) to Allah bin Al-Muttalib and Amina bint Wahb. His father died before he was born and he was raised by his nomadic wet nurse, Halima, as was tradition.
  • 575

    Muhammad's New Guardians

    Muhammad's New Guardians
    After a trip, Muhammad's mother dies of illness. Halima, who had served as a foster mother for Muhammad up until his mother's death, hands him over to his father's father. His grandfather was an important figure in Mecca and its government .While under his care, Muhammad observed how the council of elders controlled the pilgrimages to see the Kabah. After his grandfather died, Muhammad lived with his uncle (his father's brother).
  • 580

    Muhammad's Work

    Muhammad's Work
    Muhammad first worked as a shepherd, but was often exposed to caravans and trade as his uncle and current guardian was a merchant. By his early twenties, Muhammad started working as a merchant full time. His first job was working for a Meccan widow named Khadija bint Khawalayd.
  • 595

    Muhammad Marries

    Muhammad Marries
    In 595, Muhammad married his boss, Khadija. She initiated the match, impressed by his business skills and proposed despite the fifteen year age difference. In the following fourteen years, the two raised a family that included four daughters and continued their successful mercantile partnership.
  • 610

    Muhammad's First Revelation

    Muhammad's First Revelation
    As he grew older, Muhammad began to fast and pray in caves outside of the increasingly busy and commercialized Mecca. While on one of these retreats, a vision appeared to him that he would later identify as the angel Gabriel. The angel told him to recite the words he said, one of them being that Allah is the one and only God.
  • 613

    Muhammad Shares His Revelations

    Muhammad Shares His Revelations
    After first sharing his revelations with his wife, family, and close friends, Mohammad decided to take his message to the rest of his tribe. His message was controversial, as it condemned the idols and multiple gods that were central to traditional tribal culture and Mecca's importance as a pilgrimage site. While his tribe stood by him, they suffered the consequences such as physical persecution and economic embargoes.
  • 622

    Muhammad Flees to Medina

    Muhammad Flees to Medina
    In order to escape persecution, Muhammad and his followers, now known as Muslims, or those who submit to Allah, left Mecca for an oasis known as Yathrib. Once he took up residence there, the city changed its name to Medina, or City of the Prophet. Now protected by the supportive city, Islam grew.
  • 630

    Muhammad Returns to Mecca

    Muhammad Returns to Mecca
    After slowly building up a military force, Muhammad mounted a campaign to take back his home city of Mecca. On his journey back, the majority of Arabian tribes joined his troops and allowed for a peaceful surrender on the part of the Meccans.
  • 632

    Muhammad's Final Pilgrimage

    Muhammad's Final Pilgrimage
    After successfully reclaiming the city of Mecca, Muhammad traveled across the Arabian peninsula to convert tribes to Islam. The peninsula soon became united in a way it never had before because of the unifying power of the religion. After accomplishing this, he returned to Mecca to model the pillar of Haj along with many of his new followers.
  • Jun 8, 632

    Muhammad's Death

    Muhammad's Death
    After his pilgrimage to Mecca, Muhammad returned to Medina and after suffering from a brief illness, he died. He was buried there.