Muhammad's Life

  • 570

    Muhammad's Birth

    Muhammad was born in 570. He was born in Mecca, Arabia.
  • 576

    Muhammad is orphaned

    Muhammad becomes an orphan after his mother dies.
  • 583

    Muhammad is Taken Care Of

    Muhammad's grandpa takes him in.
  • 595

    Muhammad Gets Married

    Muhammad marries Khadija, a widow.
  • 610

    Muhammad's Revelation

    Muhammad receives a revelation from God during Ramadan.
  • 613

    Muhammad Starts Preaching

    His message went against traditional beliefs.
  • 622

    Muhammad Goes to Medina

    Muhammad spends time in Medina to flee from persecution for his beliefs.
  • 630

    Muhammad's Return

    Muhammad returns to Mecca.
  • 632

    Muhammad's Farewell Pilgrimage

    This was a well known Pilgrimage, as it united the religion.
  • 632

    Muhammad's Death

    Muhammad died after he got ill after his final pilgrimage.