Muhammad was born in Mecca in 570. -
Jan 4, 610
Mysterious revelation
Muhammad is confronted by an angel, Gabriel, when in a cave outside Mecca. This angel relayed Allah's words to Muhammad, who was greatly affected by this event. -
Jan 5, 613
Muhammad goes public with his revelations and tells his family and, eventually, spreads to people in Mecca. His family was met with cruelty, but he began to gather followers. -
Jan 6, 625
Muhammad and his followers are faced with hostility by the people of Mecca. The situation escalates to battle and in the end a treaty is formed between Muhammad's group and the Meccan people. -
Jan 7, 630
Muhammad conquered Mecca from the Meccans. -
Jun 8, 632
Muhammad dies a while after his final pilgrimage to Mecca. He was buried in a Mosque in the city of Medina. -
Caravan life
Muhammad served as a caravan driver during this time. This occupation likely formed him significantly as he saw a lot of people and lifestyles as a caravan driver. -
Muhammad was married to a widow and distant cousin, Khadija bint Khawalayd. She was about fourty years old while he was around twenty-five.