Muhammad's life

  • 570

    Muhammad's birth

    Muhammad's birth
    Muhammad was born in Mecca on c 570. He was raised by Amina, his mother.
  • 575

    Muhammad’s mother died

    Muhammad’s mother died
    Muhammad’s mother, Amina, died on c 575 because of illness. Muhammad became an orphan because he already lost his father.
  • 578

    Muhammad was adopted by his uncle.

    Muhammad was adopted by his uncle.
    When Muhammad was 8 years old, he was adopted by his uncle after his grandfather died. Muhammad had a difficult childhood because of the deaths in his family.
  • 594

    Muhammad started to work for a merchant

    Muhammad started to work for a merchant
    Muhammad started to work for a merchant when he became 20 years old. The merchant was his cousin and he carried her goods to make income.
  • 595

    Muhammad got married

    Muhammad got married
    Muhammad got married with merchant, his cousin. He married her even she was nearly 40 when he just became 25 years old.
  • 610

    Muhammad received the revelation

    Muhammad received the revelation
    Muhammad received the revelation and started to share about it to people. He wrote the Qur’an to teach about Muslim thoughts.
  • 622

    Muhammad built the first Muslim community

    Muhammad built the first Muslim community
    Muhammad and his followers traveled to Yathrib. He built the first Muslim community and started to gather more people and make them to follow him.
  • 625

    Meccans had three battles against Muslims

    Meccans had three battles against Muslims
    Meccans had three battles against Muslims. Muslims became a new force in Arabia after the battle.
  • 630

    Muslims took the power of Mecca

    Muslims took the power of Mecca
    Muhammad and Muslims took the power of Mecca. Meccans joined Muslim because they thought their time is over.
  • 632

    Muhammad's death

    Muhammad's death
    Muhammad died in 632 after an illness. After his death, his teaching spread to Indo-China, Morocco, France, and Spain.