
  • 570

    Muhammad is born.

    Muhammad is born.
    This was the bay of Muhammad's birth in Mecca Arabia.(Nasr)
  • Period: 570 to Jun 8, 632

    Muhammad's life and death

  • 571

    Is raised by his uncle

    Is taken in by his uncle who raises him to be a merchant in the city of Mecca.(Muhammad and the A.E.)
  • 572

    Pursine rule

    The Pursians rule over Arabia for 60 years (time line)
  • 587

    Spanish convet to christianity.

    Visigoths in Spain convert to Christianity (time line)
  • 590

    New pope

    Gregory the first becomes pope (time line)
  • 595

    Muhammad is marred

    Muhammad marries a rich widow named Kadija and uses the money to expand trade.(Encyclopedia)
  • 598

    English convertion

    English tribes convert to Christianity (time line)
  • Jan 1, 610

    The Koran

    Muhammad starts to write the Koran after his visit from Gabriel.(Early Islam)
  • Jan 1, 610

    Muhammad is visited be the angel Gadriel

    Muhammad is visited be the angel Gadriel
    Supposedly an angel named Gabriel came from heaven to tell Muhammad to cleans Mecca of false idles an to preach the word of the on true god Allah.(Muhammad and the A.E.)
  • Jan 1, 610

    The Koran

    The Koran
    Muhammad starts to write the Koran or the holy book of the Islamic faith (Early islam)
  • Jan 1, 613

    Muhammd preaches

    this is when Muhammad started to preache the word of Allah In Mecca (Early Islam)
  • Jan 1, 613

    Muhammid states to preach

    Muhammad starts to preach the word of Allah to the people of Mecca.(Early Islam)
  • Jan 1, 620


    Viking in vade Ireland (time line)
  • Jan 1, 621


    Muhammad and his followers are exiled from Mecca and start a war over religion (Encyclopedia)
  • Jan 1, 621

    The end of the war

    Muhammadand his armys take the city of Mecca and converts it to Islam(Encyclopedia)
  • Jan 1, 626

    Byzantium dives out pursians

    Byzantium dives out Persians from Egypt (time line)
  • Jan 1, 630

    End of the war

    Muhammad and his army take Mecca and convert it to Islam.(encyclopedia)
  • Jun 8, 632

    Death of Muhmmad

    On this day the Islamic prophet died.(Nasr)
  • War

    Muhammad is driven from Mecca and he and his allowers start a war over religion (Encyclopedia)