
Mr.hood timeline project

By Nick w
  • First Microscope

    First Microscope
    The first microscope was called the "optical microscope". The microscope was invented by Hans Lippershey and Zacharias Janssen in 1590.
  • Period: to


  • Robert Hooke

    Robert Hooke
    In 1665 Robert Hooke a british physicist discrovered "pores" or "cells" within a cork naming them "cells". Robert Hooke belived that these discoveries only existed in plants so he did not take his observations to animals.
  • Euglena

    Euglena can be found in both plant and animal cells, it can make its own food with the assistance of sunlight but without sunlight they have to feed of other cells like an animal cell
  • Anthony Van Leeuwenhoek

    Anthony Van Leeuwenhoek
    Leeuwenhoek is know to have made over 500 microscopes but on around 10 have survied intill the present day. In 1674 he described the a living cell.
  • Diatoms

    Diatoms are the best know type of algea, the most know diatoms is the phytoplankton. They can be found in both salt and fresh water, they can make their own food and they are made of 2 small shells. They were dicoverd in the late eight-teen hundreds
  • Matthias Schleiden

    Matthias Schleiden
    Schleiden enjoyed studying plant structre under a microscope. he discovered the importance of cell nucleus in 1831 aswell as the fact that plants are composed of cells
  • Theodor Schwann

    Theodor Schwann
    Schwann was a large help in inventing the "Cell Theroy", he invented histology.
  • Rudolf Virchow

    Rudolf Virchow
    Vichow was the man who actually "finished" the Cell Theroy in 1855. He then made a book about it in 1858.
  • Cell Theroy

    Cell Theroy
    Cell theroy refers to the fact that all living things are composed of cells. Cell theroy was invented in 1655 by Robert Hooke, and finished in 1855 by Rudolf Virchow
  • Electron Microscope

    Electron Microscope
    The electron microscope uses beams of electrons light up the object being observed. They have magnifacation of 10,000,000x original size. The electron microscope was made by Ernst Ruska and Max Knoll