First Calculator
First Calculator - No I don't have my first calculator, it was stolen out of my locker. I do have my second calcultor, the one my parents made me buy to replace the first one. Photo: -
First Graphing Calcultor
First Graphing Calculator - still have the calculator - never actually used it for a class. Started using the TI-series for teaching my classes. Photo: -
Floppy Drive Computer
Computer used to teach WordPerfect. Thankfully, I don't need to use these slow machines to do any type of work. No, I did not keep it. Photo: https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/df/5d/14/df5d14bad72dcb8dde2841a4d59fca4b.jpg -
First School Computer
First computer in my classroom was one similar to this laptop. It was a donated computer, but it had access to the internet. Photo:https://c1.staticflickr.com/7/6008/5937875749_c07e068fa6.jpg -
Desktop computer
Received my first desktop computer similar to the one shown. Quite a bit faster than the laptop. -
Current Chromebook