Apr 15, 1452
Leonardo Da Vinci painted the Mona Lisa
Leonardo Da Vinci was born in 1452. He painted the Mosa Lisa in Florence, Italy Mona Lisa-->Florence, Italy -
Aug 3, 1474
Age of Discovery in Flourence
Paulo del Pozzo Toscanelli, a student from Florence discovered how to use "projection" to map routes to get to other countries Florence, Italy ---> mapping technics -
Jun 8, 1492
Christopher Columbus discovers America
Using Toscanelli's version of projection and map routes, he sailed across the Atlantic and discovered the Americas and Carribean Mapping technics --> discovery of the Americas/Carribean -
Period: May 23, 1503 to
Mona Lisa to the submarine
Leonardo Da Vinci painted the Mona Lisa in Flourece, Italy -
Forming the First American Colony
The first out of the 13 colonies formed was in Jamestown, Virginia Discovering America --> 13 Colonies -
13 Colonies wanted independence
the 13 colonies wanted independence from Great Britain Colonies ---> Independence -
The American Revolutionary War
the 13 Colonies wanted to be their own country which lead to the American Revolutionary War from April 19, 1775 to September 3, 1783
Independence --> American Revolution -
Technology; the submarine
During the American Revolutionary War, David Bushnell invented the submarine which was used during the American Revolution and later used in both World Wars