Milestone Timeline

By Iwebb29
  • 2 Months

    2 Months
    ~Begins to smile at people ~Can briefly calm themselves by bringing hands to mouth and suck on hand
  • 4 Months

    4 Months
    ~Begins to babble
    ~Likes to play with people and might cry when playing stops
    ~Reaches for toys with hands
    ~Holds head steady
  • 6 Months

    6 Months
    ~Responds to other peoples emotions and often seems happy
    ~Responds to sounds by making sounds
    ~Begins to sit without support
    ~Begins to pass things for hand to other hand
  • 9 Months

    9 Months
    ~ May be afraid of strangers
    ~Has favorite toys
    ~Copies sounds and gestures of others
    ~Play peekaboo
    ~Stands holding on to someone
  • 1 Year

    1 Year
    ~Hands you a book when he wants to hear a story
    ~Uses simple gestures such as shaking head no or waving bye-bye
    ~Has favorite things and people
    ~May stand alone
  • 18 Months

    18 Months
    ~May have temper tantrums
    ~Says several single words
    ~Scribbles on his own
  • 2 Years

    2 Years
    ~Gets excited with other children
    ~Shows more and more independence
    ~Says sentences with 2-4 words
    ~Begins to sort shapes and colors
    ~Kicks ball