Middle ages europe

Middle Ages Europe-Crusades

  • 1096 BCE

    The first crusade

    The first crusade
    Up to 150,000 people hurried to join. most were killed by the turks before ever reaching the holy land.
  • 1002

    The Reconquista

    The Reconquista
    The decline of spain began in 1002 with a civil war.
  • 1054

    the great schism

    the great schism
    an official break between the roman catholic church and eastern orthodox churches which lasts to present day
  • 1147

    The second crusade

    The second crusade
    King Louis VII of France and the German emperor organized the second crusade. The second crusade failed.
  • 1189

    The third crusade

    The third crusade
    the fall of jerusalem provoked the third crusade. Called the "crusade of the kings"
  • 1200

    The Inquisition begins

    The Inquisition begins
    Pope Gegory IX created the inquisition, a series of investigations designed to find and judge heritics.
  • 1202

    the forth crusade

    the forth crusade
    Embarassed the pope that launched it, never reached the holy land. Instead, they tried to fund their cause by looting and raiding christian cities along the route.
  • 1212

    The final crusades

    The final crusades
    The so called childrens crusade attracted poor people of all kinds
    most never made it past italy.
  • 1215

    Magna Carta

    Magna Carta
    a charter agreed to by King John of England and his rebellious barons, the document would come to be seen as the beginning of legal limits to the power of monarches and leaders.
  • 1337

    beginning of the hundred years war

    beginning of the hundred years war
    the kings of France and England begin a war fought off and on, would last until 1453
  • 1347

    The Beginning of the Black Death

    The Beginning of the Black Death
    Ten years after the start of the hundred year war, Europe was struck by a horrible epidemic, a diesease that spread quickly through the population. The epidemic was the bubonic plague, a deadly agony, with their bodys covered in buboes, or swellings.
  • 1381

    The Peasent's Revolt

    The Peasent's Revolt
    Peasants launched the Peasant's Revolt, killing lords and burning manors Although such revolts were crushed, feudalism never recovered.