Middle ages

  • Dec 5, 733

    Charles Martel defeats the Moors at Tours

  • Dec 5, 1059

    The year the cardinals began to elect each new pope

  • Dec 5, 1078

    William the conqueror began his rule

  • Dec 4, 1095

    Pope Urban II calls for war

  • Dec 5, 1097

    first crusade begins

  • Dec 5, 1122

    Concordats of Worms

  • Dec 5, 1147

    Second Crusade begins

  • Dec 5, 1170

    Thomas Becket murdered

  • Dec 5, 1176

    Lombard League defeats Frederick

  • Dec 5, 1187

    salah al-Din recaptures Jerusalem

  • Dec 5, 1189

    third crusade begins

  • Dec 5, 1212

    Franciscan order founded

  • Dec 5, 1212

    Children's Crusade

  • Dec 5, 1216

    Magna Carta signed

  • Dec 5, 1216

    Dominican order founded

  • Dec 5, 1265

    Dante Alighieri born

  • Dec 5, 1291

    the last crusade when muslims captured acre

  • Dec 4, 1337

    Hundred Years War begins

  • Dec 5, 1343

    Geoffrey Chaucer born

  • Dec 4, 1347

    Black Death spreads into Europe

  • Dec 5, 1415

    Jan hus burned at the Stake

  • Dec 5, 1415

    Battle of Agincourt

  • Dec 5, 1431

    Joan of Arc burned at the stake

  • Dec 5, 1453

    Hundred year war ends

  • Dec 5, 1453

    Wars of the Roses begins

  • Dec 5, 1492

    Ferdinand and Isabella orderall jews to leave spain

  • Clovis becomes king

  • Charlemange is declared "Emperor of the Romans"

  • first capetian king rules