Microscopes and the Cell Theory

  • Microscopes

    Janssen brothers experiment with different sized lenses in a tube. Forerunner of compound microscope.
  • Robert Hooke

    Robert Hooke
    Made microscope and looked at bark of cork tree. Coined the term "cells" when he saw all of the holes in the tree's bark.
  • Francesco Redi

    Francesco Redi
    Performs experiment with meat and flies that disproves spontaneous generation.
  • Antoni Van Leeuwenhoek

    Antoni Van Leewenhoek created a more powerful telescope than Robert Hooke. He discovered bacteria with a microscope that could zoom in 300x.
  • John Needham

    John Needham
    A naturalist and pastor who exposed soup to air and determined that the microorganisms he found in the soup came from the air.
  • Caspar Freidrich Wolff

    Comes up with general cell theory. Expanded upon and corrected by his fellow scientists who came later.
  • Lazzaro Spallanzani

    Lazzaro Spallanzani
    Biologist who added to the discoveries already found by John Needham. Performed another variation of Needham's soup experiment.
  • Franz Bauer

    Unequivocally the first person to discover the nucleus.
  • Henri Milne-Edwards

    Suggests that basic structure of animal tissue is uniform sized "globules".
  • Robert Brown

    Robert Brown
    Gave the nucleus its name. Also discovered the random motion of molecules.
  • Bartolomy Demortier

    Bartolomy Demortier
    Observed binary fission in plants and found a "perfectly clear explanation for the origin and development of cells"
  • Henri Dutrochet

    Proposed that "the cell constitutes as basic unit of the organized state, everything is ultimately derived from cells."
  • Cell Theory

    Cell Theory
    Theodor Schwann and Matthias Schleiden confirm the presence of cells that was proposed almost 200 years earlier. They also formulated the Cell Theory.
  • Gregor Mendel

    Gregor Mendel
    Using new knowledge of microscopes and cells, Mendel was able to experiment genetically with pea plants. Known as the "Father of Modern Genetics"
  • Ernest Abbe

    Unlike many other microscope inventors and innovators, he was the one who differentiated magnification and clarity, and found the perfect formula for creating microscopes.
  • Walther Flemming

    Walther Flemming
    Discovers mitosis.
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    Louis Pasteur

    Louis Pasteur becomes interested in microscopy and partners with Robert Koch. Together they study bacteria.
  • Carl Zeiss

    Carl Zeiss
    Carl Zeiss creates commercial microscope with double the magnification of Abbe's microscope.
  • Fritz Zernike

    Views unstained cells with phase angles of rays. Scoffed at by a scientist who worked at the Zeiss factory. Won Nobel Prize for his discovery.
  • Electron Microscope

    Electron Microscope
    Much more pwoerful than any microscopes used before. Came a long way from the microscopes first used by Schwann to discovery and prove the cell theory.