Micro Ethnography

  • Weight Weenies website built

    Nino Fenaroli and Chris Motson both enthusiasts for bike and component weight information, got together to build their own website specifically dedicated to the weight of bike components.
  • Period: to

    Creation - to date

  • New rule against unsolicited advertising

    Unsolicited advertising by companies or affilliated persons is undesired and considered as spam.
    Our members are encouraged to report us such infringements.
    However companies are free to answer questions about their products that come up in the forums.
  • Listings divide into road bike and MTB's

  • 6000 posts in forum

  • 1000 users in forum

  • Forum down for 2 days

    Virus interrupting service
  • Do not repost

    Please do not repost - if you think that your original topic wasn't answered to your satisfaction feel free to bump it by posting a reply in it.
  • Please read before posting

    Threads which turn into endless off-topic chit chat might get the postings removed or even locked.
    Feel free to link to your introduction threads in your signature.
  • One Thread only

    Please open only one thread to introduce yourself & your bike(s)
  • Don't cross post

    Please don't crosspost and give the people a chance to post in your original thread.
    Not all WW live in the same timezone and some use to work over the day.
  • 100,000 posts in forum

  • Forum gets its own server

    just moved the forum database to a dedicated server.
    The forum should be much faster now, especially between 2:00 - 3:00 am GMT+1, where the forum was almost unreachable causing double posts and things like that.
  • New server

    Weight Weenies runs on a new server.
    Together with the database move 2 weeks ago, the site should now have enough ressources for future growth and features and the performance problems at certain times should be solved.
  • Advertising banners on signatures are banned

    We'd like to clarify that these banners are also subject to our rules against unsolicited advertising.
    The affected banners have been removed.
    Adding such banners to signatures in the future will lead to an immediate warning and removal of the banner(s)
  • Forum member becomes moderator

    Cycojoined the moderator team.

    As a long-term member he knows the WW forum pretty well and he comes from a part of the world, which was totally underrepresented in the moderator team.
  • Sales - Rules - Please read before posting

    Are there any restrictions for posting a for sale add?
    In order to be allowed to post an add users (posting in the marketplace) must have a minimum of 30 posts. And users (posting in the marketplace) must be an active member of the board for a minimum of one month.
    - Posts by members that do not live up to these rules will be removed by the moderators.
    - If we find you spam posting the forums in order to increase post count you will get one warning. If we find you doing that a second time you
  • No dual account usage

    dougatter and ericrollingwrench have been banned because of dual account usage.
  • Language packs added to website

    Updated to the latest phpBB version along with some language packs and added Japanese and Latvian as new board languages.
  • Only post images of new builds in Gallery section

  • Member request for wheel building sub section

    Just to clarify, this will be all about building techniques, parts selection, lacing patterns and other technical stuff to help out any newbie builders who want to have a go, so please forgive me if it starts off looking like any posters are trying to tell you how to suck eggs or something.
    Oh, and let's try not to argue or bicker about differences of opinion?
  • On topic please

    Locked, but not forgotten. Please give your bikes the topic they deserve. thanks
  • Do not reply to spam posting

    If you run into spam postings please do NOT reply to them. Report the post as spam and leave it at that. If you start replying to them it takes more time to clean them up
  • Request to members to report off topic conversations

    After clicking the ! you need to fill out a small form
  • Forum rules posted

    Posts are to be made in the relevant forum. Users are asked to read the forum descriptions before posting. Users consistently posting to the wrong forum may be given a warning (see policing below).
    Members should post in a way that is respectful of other users. Flaming or abusing users in any way will not be tolerated and will lead to a warning.
    Members are asked to not act as “back seat moderators”. If members note an issue which contravenes something in this policy document they are welcome
  • No off topic talk in Introductions

  • Do not use paypal as a gift to pay for items

    do not use paypal as a gift. Better ask some more money for the product. To many people have been scammed over in the last few months. If the seller pushes you to do so, it is your choice, do not come to us to get your money back.
  • Request for members not to use the quote button

    please use the quote button for the special occasion such as reacting to a post 2 or more posts up on the page.
  • Invitation to join strava group

    For all you strava fans out there. did you know that you can be a member of the Weight Weenies club? check it out and become a member!
  • Request to stop adding new topics to section

    News, announcements and discussions about Weight Weenies. (members, please do not start topics in here.)
  • Total members

    Total members 24807
    Total posts 914425
    Total topics 70984