
  • 2.1 Oxidative Damage

    Oxidative damage theory is when free radical molecules are released in the body due to not enough antioxidants, radiation exposure, and pollution. If we start out young with always provide enough atioxidants through fruits and vegetables, reduce exposure to radiation, and trying to stay healthy period. We could help slow down the process of releasing these free radical molecules and we can slow down primary aging itself. I think we should work on that for the start of our lives to the end.
  • 4.4 Childhood Attachment Experiences

    The date was hard to narrow down. The reason for this type is due to my father. I saw what "true" love did and am scared to have that happen with me. I do not want to end like him. I find it hard to trust people due to him always breaking mine. I could never depend on others and had to be independent. Only think of myself so I could get out of that situation. Didn't socialize as much or be a normal kid. My Safe Haven/Secure base was disrupted and not secure at all.
  • 1.1 The Beginning

    I became an adult this year, because that is when the whole biology kicked in. This is the year I became a "woman" and in a way more independent than before. I was sort of an adult before this with how I had to live my life with the non-normative events that presented themselves throughout my childhood and in my town you were in high school when you entered 7th grade. That social event of transfering schools brought a sort of ageism to come to light. 7th grade was looked at as being more mature.
  • 6.4 Self-Protective

    With Rebecca's grandmother, Monga, she mentioned how her worst memory of school was how others picked on her. Individuals took advantage of her family's situation and made it into humour for them. I understand that completely, for me I saw this a lot growing up of people manipulated others and making fun of others for being different. Especiallly in HS, you get picked on for being even just slightly different than the norm.
  • 4.1 Young Adult Role Transition

    I graduated high school today. Things are put on hold while Oma is in the hospital. My grad party is postponed. My plans are on hold. I am planning on leaving home and moving in with my aunt/uncle, working at the animal shelter and community college before going to Gallaudet. I will be paying my own bills, more independent, and supporting myself completely. My mom won't have to worry about me, just focus on my brother and getting her feet back on the ground since the separation.
  • 7.2 Transitions

    The circumstantial event that fostered my transition from conformist to individualistc would have to be leaving home to get away from all the troubles there and attending college so far away. Doing that made me realize all the diversity and differences in the world. An another event that made me go from individualistic to integrated would have been the death of my grandmother. I was so close to her and her death disrupted my entire life plan. I am grateful for her, because I wouldn't be here.
  • 2.2 Genetic Limits

    Within this time we should make sure that we are excersing enough and avoiding situations that are unhealthy. Doing this we can make sure that our telomeres are still longer in length and put off the state of replicative senescence and have a higher number of divisions for the Hayflick limit.If we exercise over 199 min a week we will have a greater chance of a longer life because we are more healthy compared to someone who is only 36 min a week.Doing all these things of staying healthy will help
  • 6.3 Identity to Intimacy

    With Susie's video she talks about how her great aunt before being able to fully fuse with somebody else, she had to get over her issues of trust and find her identity. I had the same issue, I had to find my own identity before I could put myself in a relationship without fear. After the sense of fear is gone and trust is possible, we will see the intimacy level being met. We see us meeting the one we believe is our forever.
  • 2.3 My Current Healthy Lifestyle

    I sometimes eat enough servings of fruits and vegetables each day. I try to limit my intake of junk food, I get more than 150 minutes each week, I never smoke, I don't drink regularly, and use sunscreen when out on the lake. I think I have a pretty healthy lifestyle, but should try to add more fruits and vegetables in my diet, as well as more water. I should also try to workout more to make sure that I can stay as healthy as possible to make sure my future is more bright.
  • 7.3 Major Life Event

    My parents divorce is finally getting finalized. After almost a year of fighting and never ending drama, the end is so near. I don't have to hear about my no good father and see him treat my mother more worse than he already has. I have used self-distraction, behavioral disengagement, venting, acceptiance and even self-blame. Some of the methods yes were effective, but some not. I just needed to leave it behind and move forward, also it is not my fault how my father is. It is him. I am moving on
  • 4.3 Adult Attachment Style

    I was found to be the dismissing type. I guessed I would have been in the dismissing or the fearful type. I love to be independent and not have people depend on me or me depend on them. I don't mind being that close to people. It took me a long time to be open with my girlfriend and it has been more than a year. I like to go off to places and not have anyone around me. I love being in my own world and dislike when people bother me. It takes a lot for me to get close to people emotionally/trust.
  • 7.1 Fowler

    Individuative-Reflective Faith. This stage is most related to me because with this stage I have seen the change in my perspective and opinion since coming to this University. I wasn't exposed to so much diversity before, that I was set to what I was raised with, not with what I have formed myself. Leaving home and getting away from what is considered tradition has helped me make my own identity. An identity developed through my own senses and opinions, not by force of the authority.
  • 6.1 My RIASEC Type

    My Type is Social,Convential,&Realistic(SCR).I believe all three of Holland's types of vocational interests fit me,social matches because I am cooperative,understanding,helpful,convential matches since I like structure,order&realistic matches since I am self-reliant&practical.The jobs although that came up don't seem to match with me.Most of the jobs dealt with medical&I am more for advocacy.I do not want to work with teeth&don't like hospitals that much, so the jobs were off for me.
  • 4.2- Older Adult Role Transition

    I am into my late twenties and plan to get married around this time. Want to wait until I am finish with my undergraduate degree and into my masters program. My partner and I will already be cohabiting, but will make it legal later on. Soon after I will be stable with a good career and will start to plan to bring children into our lives. I want to have children around age late twenties/early thirties. My wife and I plan to try to have kids of our own, then adopt possibly.
  • 3.1 Working Memory

    In my 30s my working memory will slowly start to decline and in that doing so, it can affect so many things in my life. My decision making skills will be disrupted, by making it harder to what clothes to wear and my problem solving will be reduced to where remembering simple things like names and numbers will start to be harder. Without my working memory working correctly all of my memories start to dwindle, including my semantic memory inforcing rules and episodic memory, with events.
  • 3.2 Fluid Intelligence

    Flu.Int. deals more with what is biological within us and how our knowledge is set. As we get older our biological processes are getting slower and due to that we begin making mistakes in daily things that we never did before, like which medications to take or how to prepare foods even.Our prosp.mem.is affected from this change because simply easy things like remembering a doctor's appointment in the week ahead could be easily forgotten now.Our proc.mem. is effected,learning to sew can be hard.
  • 2.4 Potential consequences of my lifestyle

    I have a good chance of getting many things at this age. I have a huge family history of obesity, cancer, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease. The only disease I can see myself least likely to get is alzheimer's disease. I believe it helps that I am knowledgable about what makes me more likely to get what and what I should do to help prevent them. I know to eat more healthy, excercise, don't smoke and limit use of alcohol. I saw what happened to my family members and don't want that for myself.
  • 6.2 Super’s Stages

    Super's stages of career development are set to what is the usual. For example the stage disengagement, If I have graduated school and got the profession of medical assistant, I would have moved up the profession to different levels through the establishment and maintenance stages. If after the maintence stage, I am still in this field I would get to age in the disengagement stage where I would start to think of retirement and start working less. Possibly spending more time with my grandchildren
  • 8.1 The End

    Michelle M.Maxwell-Kelly,78 has died on Dec.31, 2014 at her home in Boyds,MD.Michelle was born in Robinsdale,MN on Oct.19,1992 to Rhonda Lamke and Michael Maxwell.Michelle was married to Lillian Kelly on May 19th,2017.They had 3 children and 6 grandchildren.Michelle was a huge advocate for the Deaf/HoH community and fought for equal and fair rights in the school system.She had her job for over 30 years and loved seeing the smiles of the children she helped.Service was held yesterday for family.